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more coyote pics

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That is gross. Is it hunting or slaughter. I know Yotes are a pest in the US but is it necessary to show them being ripped apart by 4 dogs. This is the sort of thing that lead to the ban in the UK isn't it? Read the notes at the top of this page.


to each his own

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is it gross when a fox breaks into a pheasent pen and kills 20/30 young pheasent polts that have no hope in surving ? is it gross when a coyote kills live stock someones way of living ? if you dont like it then simple, dont look,


dan great pictures like usal, like always your a lucky fecker mate, , have you got any action shots, with dog running coyote down ?



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That is gross. Is it hunting or slaughter. I know Yotes are a pest in the US but is it necessary to show them being ripped apart by 4 dogs. This is the sort of thing that lead to the ban in the UK isn't it? Read the notes at the top of this page.

What a load of shite you are spouting. Show me the "ripped to bits " photos. This is a hunting site and as such you are going to see the real part of hunting american style. Or would you prefer everthing to be shot,snared and poisened. Keep at it Dan mate, and your mate Doc. atb stabba
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Maybe so, but it's only fuel for the anti's fire. I do not think that is the face of hunting that this forum wants to promote.


I knock antis out for fun. If you own this board, then delete the post. If not, go piss up a rope.

Good for you mate,keep the posts coming :thumbs:

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That is gross. Is it hunting or slaughter. I know Yotes are a pest in the US but is it necessary to show them being ripped apart by 4 dogs. This is the sort of thing that lead to the ban in the UK isn't it? Read the notes at the top of this page.

read what think you need to read it again . in the usa its ok to hunt yotes so get your facts right. and yea 4 dogs there not a fox there about 3 times bigger then a fox so yea need that many. great pics by the way

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Yes I prefer shooting as a means to kill humanely, and I also prefer not to post every single photo of every gory detail of anything I have killed. If it was a pest I shot it, no need for photos....if it was for food I ate it, no need to photograph every meal either. You seem to enjoy the blood too much?

Go piss up your own rope you arrogant Yank. You post on a public forum then can't take any criticism, do you think everyone will pat you on the back?

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Yes I do know what a Coyote is and what it can do, and I know the many reasons for killing them. What I object to is clicking on a thread which says Coyote pics and seeing this sort of thing. It is in the process of being killed by several dogs, not everyones cup of tea, but you don't know till you open the thread. The forum guidlines specifically state


"As another note images showing quarry in the process of being killed will be moderated, this is not the done thing on a forum open to the world...At a time when government are trying to tighten the laws further on all fieldsports, its all of our duties to show respect for the quarry we hunt and the way we go about our sport..



You are responsible for your actions, try and be sensible with it."


Why am I wrong to uphold this and why do so many on here insist on ignoring the rules?

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7 yotes in one day


fantastik mate grait pics and some game dogs.


as for the other tit if you dont like it fuk off on face book.we cant run dogs on big quarry in uk any more sore nice [bANNED TEXT] dan puts his pics up keep at it mate



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