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more coyote pics

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Yes I do know what a Coyote is and what it can do, and I know the many reasons for killing them. What I object to is clicking on a thread which says Coyote pics and seeing this sort of thing. It is in the process of being killed by several dogs, not everyones cup of tea, but you don't know till you open the thread. The forum guidlines specifically state


"As another note images showing quarry in the process of being killed will be moderated, this is not the done thing on a forum open to the world...At a time when government are trying to tighten the laws further on all fieldsports, its all of our duties to show respect for the quarry we hunt and the way we go about our sport..



You are responsible for your actions, try and be sensible with it."


Why am I wrong to uphold this and why do so many on here insist on ignoring the rules?

You seem to have cut out the bits where it says its ok if it's legal in your country, and who's to say they're not already dead? f**k back off to the shooting section.

btw, What do you do if your scope has been knocked off zero and you blow a foxes leg/jaw off? Is that humane?

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My point exactly, or at least I think that is what you say. If you presented a more humane face to hunting, as this board tries to do, you might not have had such opposition to hunting with dogs in this country. Why do you think people were against it, one look on here is enough to make any average person think it is not the most humane method, beside the fact that there seems a terrible amount of 'pleasure' derived from it. The less the general public see the less they will be likely to object. It is common sense. This sort of thing should be shared privately if it has to be shared.

No I am not an anti, I would rather shoot a Coyote or Wolf, as many Americans I know do, rather than use dogs.

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Yes I do know what a Coyote is and what it can do, and I know the many reasons for killing them. What I object to is clicking on a thread which says Coyote pics and seeing this sort of thing. It is in the process of being killed by several dogs, not everyones cup of tea, but you don't know till you open the thread. The forum guidlines specifically state


"As another note images showing quarry in the process of being killed will be moderated, this is not the done thing on a forum open to the world...At a time when government are trying to tighten the laws further on all fieldsports, its all of our duties to show respect for the quarry we hunt and the way we go about our sport..



You are responsible for your actions, try and be sensible with it."


Why am I wrong to uphold this and why do so many on here insist on ignoring the rules?



I think you would be better suited to Autumn Watch ;)

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It is not dead....yet, and you know that too. The fact it says 'in the process of being killed' matters not whether it is legal or not or what country it is in. The reason that sentence is in the guidelines is to prevent objectionable images being posted that may be used by anti's against certain field sports.


Hard work this is, I would hate to be a mod on this site. What does it take to get through?

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I suppose youll object to any dog related action then Red Raven. Like has been said before, go back to the shooting section. I object to you shooting certain species but i dont harp on about it every 2 minutes do i? Now run along and set yer scopes coz heaven forbid you hit summat and only wound it??

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Unfit, I walk hunt my dogs with my kids all the time. I hunt them off the mules too. I also hunt them out the back of my truck. I hunt them at night, during the day, pretty much whenever and wherever I feel like it. My children are rougher than you son.


Raven, the reason huntin gets banned is cause there are too many pussies like you that are willing to back down to some antis. I am not, they can go f**k themselves.

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