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In The Paper Today

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Ah Snipers but of course... So I assume they were using a couple of AS50s? I'd be very dissappointed if it was anything less.




It would be useful if Irina Nelson (the journalist) did a bit of research on what a sniper actually was first, before she wrote such a pile of manure. Clearly she doesn’t have a clue, and unfortunately for her it comes over as such in her article. :)


If she had read up just a little on the subject first, perhaps she could have sounded slightly more educated in her drivel. Unfortunatly instead she just comes across as an utter buffoon.


It would be a shame if she carrys on writing this hogwash, but luckily it means I wont be runing out of toilet paper anytime soon. :thumbs:


  Wikipedia.org said:
A sniper is a highly trained marksman who shoots targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the capabilities of regular personnel. Snipers typically have specialized training and distinct high-precision rifles. In addition to marksmanship, military snipers are also trained in camouflage, field craft, infiltration, reconnaissance and observation techniques.
Edited by elvolcan
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I note that the unnamed member was a witness to "all this cruelty" so it begs the question what he was doing on the golf course at the dead of night with (obviously) his night vision goggles on to witness this - perhaps no cars in the car park to do a bit of dogging - no wonder he did not want to be named.

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cant understand how any body saw a fox rolling around the floor for ten minutes after being shot? not inless thay were sat in a hedge with night vision or something like that watching the so called snippers lol :hmm: or were these so called snippers aloud to go out in the day with whatever snipper guns thay had and blast charlie :no: cant see that some how can you i to shoot golf courses and am not allowed on them by day for obviese resons :doh: or am i missing the point sounds like a load off crap to me lets have some commen sense is it oye and to all you antis or perhaps jelouse golf course owners :feck:

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i suppose foxes are always smiling like the one on the right too. something needs to be done about all these lies. they make it sound like we go around firing off shots willynilly the public needs to know how we really do it. The statement about if writhing around is utter tosh what did he do get his stop watch out and time it? of course it writhed around for a bit they are called nerves, and if it took ten mins for it to die i dont expect it would have stayed around for long. we should all get jobs for the tabloids and inform the public of the truth.

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  On 16/11/2009 at 15:28, air gunner said:

they make it sound like we go around firing off shots willynilly the public needs to know how we really do it.


Yeah the article says the snipers (lol) were "blasting bullets about the place." A tad inaccurate im sure.


Unless of course they were using an M249 SAW, then maybe "blasting bullets about the place" would give the correct impression.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 17/11/2009 at 20:05, LeeM said:

It is also my local paper, and was in it nearly every day for two week's, wish they would print something worth reading and give us shooter's a break, there the first one's to complain about there bins gettin emptied all over the garden,the Greenock tele paper should no better!

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  On 12/11/2009 at 22:11, events co-ordinator said:

The rspca does not operate in Scotland they only siphon funds from the SS pca.we cleared foxes from golf courses and zoo's with terriers.

I use to work for SSPCA Glasgow branch a few years ago[20+} and know what you mean about funds getting siphoned. As being a Pest Control Technician now i have done fox control in school's & bowling green's all over the city of Glasgow and surrounding area's with no problem's at all, and the police are very helpfull, everything done all above board, trapping&shooting what ever was needed to resolve the problem.

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