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check up on your MP

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Houndblair brought up an interesting site I'm sure most of us didn't know about, once I'd checked to see if my MP had signed the snare ban (he hasn't luckily) I had a quick look around to see what he had been signing, and the shit that he had put his name to!!! (from womens rights in Muscat to wheelchair access in Lebanan) Don't forget your paying these peoples wages and voted them in to look after you! I'm sure wheel chair access and womens rights are all well and good, but as a MP for a farming community you would of thought he'd be signing the farm single payment scheme review. anyway I'm ranting, check out and see what your MP's been signing in support of.. http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/MemberList.aspx

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Bloomin' hell, seems our MP's actually fairly intelligent.


He supported more money for dairy farmers, increased availability of biofuel, an inquiry into fraud and corruption by the RCVS and pet food industry - in support of Dr Tom Lonsdale and the UK Raw Meaty Bones Support & Action Group, etc etc



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