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pre ban whats the best dogs for deer

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with the care full entering and [bANNED TEXT] type of dog you can run them hard nightly but it does shorten there life for sure done it when the weathere [bANNED TEXT] and would stil do it if the outlets were good , never had bull terrier in my dogs and they were never made to look second rate in any bodies company ,have been lucky to get some of the dogs ive had but a bit more than luck deerman ,saw good ogs at five rating there qaurry like a hare and out pops a deer and there three again lol, and it all depends down to the land you run and the type of dogs you run , i would love to see a dog at this moment doingh 5 nites on hare roe five nites week in week out and see how he cracks on when the wheat is soft or when the stubble is like concrete , sounds god the five nites a week dogs when i could get rid of alot we did run 3 4 5 nites if the weather was in our favour but we , gave them a nite of and run a kennel mate some nites as we ran hare hare then deer deer, saw dogs after a dry autum coming out the kennels like on there tip toes sore with the firm ground so we rested them and ran there siblings , only way or we would have feched them

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with the care full entering and [bANNED TEXT] type of dog you can run them hard nightly but it does shorten there life for sure done it when the weathere [bANNED TEXT] and would stil do it if the outlets were good , never had bull terrier in my dogs and they were never made to look second rate in any bodies company ,have been lucky to get some of the dogs ive had but a bit more than luck deerman ,saw good ogs at five rating there qaurry like a hare and out pops a deer and there three again lol, and it all depends down to the land you run and the type of dogs you run , i would love to see a dog at this moment doingh 5 nites on hare roe five nites week in week out and see how he cracks on when the wheat is soft or when the stubble is like concrete , sounds god the five nites a week dogs when i could get rid of alot we did run 3 4 5 nites if the weather was in our favour but we , gave them a nite of and run a kennel mate some nites as we ran hare hare then deer deer, saw dogs after a dry autum coming out the kennels like on there tip toes sore with the firm ground so we rested them and ran there siblings , only way or we would have feched them

yes i agree with the above , i like to split the week not do 5/6 nights on trot if not for dogs sake but mine too , as dragging/carrying every night takes it out of you as well as dogs,but it still takes a dog with bit of bottle to run them often as it is a hard game when done often week in week out.

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Nothing wrong with a dash of deerhound blood in this day and age but it's finding the right blood to use. It is out there but hard to find, i inquired about a litter of first crosses recently only to find out that the sire was just a pet owned by a bloke who just likes the breed. :whistling:


Good post Butler, I would think the same could be said of bull blood as well.


IMO the same can be said of all blood, choosing your foundation stock for the job you require is getting harder an harder! ;)

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Chalkwarren is right there , looking back at the post i made describing the 4 dogs we ran to start with , not the sort of dogs i would kennel now ,it was a learning curve and you said f all to anyone . Nowadays im a bit more relaxed about things . . Dogs i keep now are generally 27+ and 3/4 bred grey deer !!! Sometimes we find it hard to explain how hunting feels . . .i had a pup , i drove 300miles to pick him up , drove back the same day 3/4 just how i want ,( he made 30inch ,smoothcoat brindle ) anyway when he was a pup he was big gangly huge feet, i walked him round the paddocks regular , he was bombproof. .little bit skittish of moving horses but walked him in and out of sheep and he was looking at the clouds and the trees ,first time he sam a rabbit bolt in the hedge he was springing about just like a playful pup. 4months old he saw a roe at about 100yards and he just locked solid on the lead , im sure you know the feeling , locked solid ,quivvering ,mouth shut tight eyes locked on like a tracking device .total intent. 100% PURE INSTINCT . .and thats the feeling that makes it all worthwhile, that split second when you think ,yes i understand.


What a great post..... :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::clapper:

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Nothing wrong with a dash of deerhound blood in this day and age but it's finding the right blood to use. It is out there but hard to find, i inquired about a litter of first crosses recently only to find out that the sire was just a pet owned by a bloke who just likes the breed. :whistling:


Good post Butler, I would think the same could be said of bull blood as well.



To some extent that is true but the thing with bull IMO is it takes more away from a "RUNNING" dog than it puts in (yards count in this game). It also takes alot of breeding out as it is very dominant and shows through 5,6,7 generations down the line. You don't need bull to put that do or die attitude in a dog selective breeding of the right lurcher lines will do that for you. To be honest a dog doesn't need to be game in the truest sense of the word to take deer large or small because most of the time the dog is the aggressor and the deer doesn't want the fight.Yes you will get the odd one stand his ground at certain times of year I've even seen roe do it but even this shouldn't course a problem to a seasoned dog.I've heard all the horror story's of dogs being gored and scrubbed into the ground but if they know the job they soon learn to take care of the front end before it can course them any trouble. If they don't then they are not DEER dogs IMO and should be taken out of any breeding program as sub standard dogs of any breed should not be tolarated................But them days are gone and even if the hunting act is over turned i doubt we would get them back but it is good to talk about it.

Good post mate, but i disagree with you about the gameness part a bit, most dogs will chase deer but if you out 5 nights a week ,month in month out you need a game/hard dog with all the knocks /bumps etc they pick up, ive seen dogs look like world beaters at start of their deer career but after a while they dont run so hard or look so keen, also seen dogs belive it or not stop chasing deer with head gear(antlers) and only run does/hinds it takes a good dog to run them hard night after night,month after month ,plus with the goring part when the buck/stag has a enough and stands for dog there certain places in britain where this happens all the time through out year and not just in rut and 9/10 dog will deal with this but belive me good old dogs do get caught from time to time.


Edited by katewoo
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A friend of mine has a 3/4 Greyhound 1/4 Saluki red Bitch 26 tts (retired now), it was great pre ban, best dog I've known, it done plenty slip and kill in open fields but I think where the dog really excelled was in rough ground, it could track them and run them sometimes for 5/10 mins +, it would only run at half to three quarter pace through the trees/bushes etc just staying in reach and no more not making any mistakes, being patient, playing the long game, much of these ended up in a kill, normally when a mistake was made in the rough. I'm sure others have had dogs like this, thinkers rather than all out bravado.


atb Mt Jones


She was a good one in her time mate :thumbs: atb andri

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