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pre ban whats the best dogs for deer

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unfit as is ays to you before there nothing dog wise in the uk i aint seen caut or other wise ,why would you shock me, as ive traveld over and caut all sorts please and i mean it ,youll not shock me ill say well done to the dogs or whatever but as a wily character ive saw enough in my time and traveld enough , to know whats what mate ,shock the uneducated not people who have done more than a little bit ,if i learn something ill say good man but shock to me is abear coming running to you or ahog and you only have afeching stick to whack it , now listen carefully if your here to shock find some less knowedgble guys as theyl lap it up not guys who have walked the walk for decades have fun me old matey

whin you have not seen it all ,you stated that by saying DREAMERS in your other post ,i wont shock you ,i will just wake you up from a DREAM :whistling:
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calm down this whin fella causes some shit :thumbdown::thumbdown:

But ive looked at most of his topics and he looks and reads like a complete waiste of time :whistling:

Now some give cw a bit of bad prss theres no doubt he tells a few yarns but come on which author and money seeker doesnt???????

his books read quality and time is put in to them and no doubt old phil is there in the background of the pictures somewhere,Now how many authors can we say that about????

Skitz you slate phil and his deer dogs tell the site about darcys deer dogs which he came down with???? or should i say tell em about scooby??

Come on bloke if you goin to tell stories dont single out one bloke when you tell all and sundrie about darcy behind the keyboard.

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hold on there , when i say how do you rate sika , im asking how difficult do you find them to catch , we re talking about good deer dogs and im trying to gauge what people think . .im no divvy and im no chav chalkwarren , im a bloke in his 40s whose done a bit thats all. When ive seen them big black 8pointers giving my dogs a beating what the hell do you think i was doing . .spectating?? NO I WAS SPRINTING ACROSS THE FIELD TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION .. You chose to only run roe mate ,fair play to you , i dare say you made your money out the game ,as did i , but i hunted roe fallow and sika and out of all of them sika were the black devil , and not just the stags. What is needed in a deer dog ,speed and prey drive yes , but size power and heart ? not really for roe ,they do take some catching but they dont take much stopping or holding , its the medium deer ,fallow and sika where your dog needs brute strength and guts , i dont get any pleasure out of seeing the dogs kicked but it does happen .the best way to describe the difference between sika and other deer to my eye , is the others are trying to run on with the dog holding on , but sika are actually trying to get the dog off ,then run on. But believe me the dogs are equal to them. . The good ones. Anyway you been in the game that long you should know better than to be rude to people. Atb

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Now,.get off and do your thing,.but do go careful... ;)



the only land i will be walking for the next few weeks is THIALAND : :bye: up the workers :laugh:

so your going to Thialand really? lol thought i was picking you up tonight on way up Ps house....watch yourself out there for the ones with adam apples !!! looks like il have to get the last 8 without you mate

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IMO... for Fallow (never did sika or red] then the dog needs a fair amount of guts & determination.


I had a dog who grabbed a fallow doe, took a bit of a tumble with it and got kicked off. He didnt seem interested in grabbing hold of the doe again.


Whereas my old deerhound [RIP FLINT] he was on a fallow, and he was kicked off twice but kept going back and got a proper hold of the doe on the third time. Seen him attached to fallow bucks being dragged all over the field, but he always wanted more, full of determination.


Sadly it was that determination that seen him fatally injured.


Never had the same passion for Fallow ever since

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Think its hilarious listenin to the OLD SCHOOL poachers pinch an scratch each other. :haha: Keep it up FORUM wouldnt be the same without use. . I cant wait till i grow up an have an opinion. . . :11:


Its funny i lamp with a lad that done a fair bit in the 80s 90s an its funny how lurcher lads call him from his generation. An its still happenin 20years on, most if not all Lurcher men hate the fact that theres lads with dogs doin the same if not MORE With there dogs. Theres alot of JEALOUSY In the workin dogs game an thats a FACT. You should all take a leaf out of my book an be NICE. . :thumbs:

Edited by Single Handed. .
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Seen a lot of different crosses, dogs from the same litter good and bad. They have to be hard and fast and WANT it, cant comment on Sika or muntjak, Roe [hard @ fast] Fallow [cant run] Red [deerhound full or cross ],on saying that I've seen a deerhound cross that was useless but I've seen some that were awesome.


You dont need deerhound x's for red deer others can do the job aswell. I would say fallow run pretty well much better than sika or muntjac.

Skitz, I'm just stating my prefered dogs. I've never lamped any deer of any spieces so I can't comment on it, in the past it was always first light I've never seen sika or muntjak on ground that I worked, roe was the most common and I would be very peeved if any dog I owned missed one, fallow as far as I'm concerned couldn't run a message. RED different ball game, You could catch them with smaller dogs, but as I've said I was out at daybreak and it had to be as fast as possible that's where the heavy artillary comes in to its own, my deerhound xs were 28.5" @85lbs 29" @ 95lbs very fast @ very hard dogs, writing this makes me miss it badly, happy hunting Skitz [have to go and feed my rabbit dogs now]

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Now,.get off and do your thing,.but do go careful... ;)



the only land i will be walking for the next few weeks is THIALAND : :bye: up the workers :laugh:

so your going to Thialand really? lol thought i was picking you up tonight on way up Ps house....watch yourself out there for the ones with adam apples !!! looks like il have to get the last 8 without you mate

you also whach out for the ones with a big adams apple this time of year ,they have just finshed rutting ,and i wont be there to help out by being the first in as usual :D

im not built for speed im built for carrying and lasting the night, horses for courses,might be ok now as have had enough practice lately havent i?

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Now,.get off and do your thing,.but do go careful... ;)



the only land i will be walking for the next few weeks is THIALAND : :bye: up the workers :laugh:

so your going to Thialand really? lol thought i was picking you up tonight on way up Ps house....watch yourself out there for the ones with adam apples !!! looks like il have to get the last 8 without you mate

you also watch out for the ones with a big adams apple this time of year ,they have just finshed rutting ,and i wont be there to help out by being the first in as usual :D

im not built for speed im built for carrying and lasting the night, horses for courses,might be ok now as have had enough practice lately havent i?

yes these rabbits do get heavy the further you go . :D

have a good time ,il drop pic in soon as done ,

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If we are asking in theory if you could have the ideal dog.....then I would have to say a big fast b*****d that dont mind hitting cover and that wouldnt pull the arse out of them.......but never havving had the good fortune to see such a task done its all just a guess.

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Without wanting to sound too cotraversial, if we are talking about dogs to catch only deer both day and night I would choose a good strong pure bred Greyhound. Brought up and socialised from an early age as you would a lurcher I think most Greyhounds would do just as well, probably better than most crosses.


For straightforward point and squirt type work is there a need to introduce another breed to what is esentially the ultimate running dog. The Greyhound has been selectively bred over hundreds of years to do the job of chasing and catching game. Maybe we are trying to fix a problem thats doesn't exist by crossing out to other breeds.


Do you need the brains of a collie in a deer dog? Why introduce deerhound when they are more prone to injury and dont like taking knocks in the field. Do we need the stamina of the saluki when the speed of a pure greyhound will decide the outcome of a chase in quick time.


General opinion is a big, fast and powerful dog.....sounds suspiciously like a Greyhound to me.

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Iv never owned a pure grey, but my grandad did and they took all game locally... he said that the good ones were accidents waiting to happen, and he was always on about them being laid up for this and that reasons. He even lost a few when out working. He never rated them above a good lurcher.

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