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Having checked this girl out i think she may be for real.

She seems to have nothing to hide and is easily tracable via the net.

That is maybe.

Shouldn't she be out there looking for hunters to ask face to face?

Sitting behind a computer screen hoping that folk will do her work for her or hoping that she'll get genuine answers seems very naive not to mentioned flawed for survey purposes.

I am also concerned that as a university student, who intends to come out the other end with a degree that displays the level of education the candidate has achieved, struggles to spell, type and punctuate her written work to a level that is below that of my 12yo daughter.

Are standards dropping? Are bars being lowered? Are we "dumbing down" ?


I think the answers are Yes, Yes and Yes

Still, my daughters chances of obtaining a degree look like they're a dead cert'!







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Having checked this girl out i think she may be for real.

She seems to have nothing to hide and is easily tracable via the net.

Have you got any pics? :whistling:

Mate you worry me!


perhaps its because your username is an anagram of "Al I poke"









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Having checked this girl out i think she may be for real.

She seems to have nothing to hide and is easily tracable via the net.



What about yourself then mate? can you be easily "checked out" via the net ?




1.age - 37

2.gender - male

3.did anyone in particular get you into hunting - My dad

4. what age did you start hunting - 11

5. why do people hunt - For myself in this order (food/sport/pest control )

6. what would happen to all the animals if you didn't hunt - ?

7. do you use dogs for hunting if so how do you train them - Badly, in truth, dogs dont need a great deal of training to hunt, its what the have been doing for a millennium.

8. what euipment do you take hunting - depends what type of hunting, but I always have a knife, some first aid for the dog, and a catarpult, no matter the style of hunting I'm doing.

9. what problems do you have with any of your euipment - my thing is too big.

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No wonder its so expensive for him!

Seriously tho'! This post does at best seem a bit naive at worst sinister.

Perhaps a bit of background to the character would help.

it does beg the question; don't they teach social etiquette at school anymore? Basic social protocals are obsolete it seems.









Yeah. I smell an anti hiding in the undergrowth. But then, look at my sig!




Are they on the general license and can I lamp them at night? :hmm:


First of all, Pee Coil, thank you for your enlightening response to my query about why you carry two(2) lamps. Very illuminating.


As for antis being on general licence, my understanding of the Home Office regs is that they are classed as a pest species. They can be shot at any time, although there are restrictions on using dogs. There is no closed season, and no specified calibre or bullet weight to use. However, the usual rules apply, in that you must use a gun of sufficient calibre to ensure a clean one shot kill. Rimfires, even 22WMR, are marginal at best. Top-end 22 centrefires are the best choice, with .243 a close second.

On a personal note, if I shot a nursing female anti I would contact a good dog man to track her back to her lair and ensure that the sprogs were humanely dispatched.

The good news is that there is no problem with using fragmenting bullets. Although they can cause massive meat damage, it is illegal to eat antis any way.


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