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Talk about kicking you............

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THAT MY FRIENDS IS GOOD OLD IRISH HUMOUR,IL YOU STILL HAVE IT KID,WELL DONE.bEST LAUGH IVE HAD IN WEEKS :clapper: If you'd like more of that sort of wit get a look at THE SNAPPER,great funny film.As for you spending £175 on a pants........SOME CHANCE :tongue2:

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Life has a way of kicking you when you are down. With the current recession and the corrupt bankers and builders we have over here at the moment you think that life can’t get any harder.


Well just lost my job, and to make matters worse, the other half is now looking to have me move out of the family home. Talk about putting the boot in.


I found out some time ago that she and a work friend were more than just close friends, all the signs were there, she would make a huge effort to dress up when going to work, which she never done before, new hair style and all the other crap that goes with doing the dirt. I decided to find out for myself for sure that she was seeing this fella from work, so I told her that I was away for the night hunting and that I would be home some tine next evening. Took the dogs and dressed up in the last new item that I bought before I lost my job, my new cammo trousers, they cost me 175 euros.


Anyway I set the trap and low and behold there she was driving out of the town bout an hour later, having told me that she was taking a shower and bed. As you can guess I followed her for some time and low and behold she met up with this fella at the back of the Airport, it’s a place where you can view the planes landing and departing. Anyway she jumped into his cars and was like kids playing in the car, what did I want to do? Walk over and smash him and his cars to the ground.



I phoned her on the mobile and asked was things ok at home, and she said yes things were great and that one of the lads had just knocked for me and that she was tired and wanted to go asleep, I asked her if she still wanted me to leave the home and she said yes, and the sooner the better so she could get on with her life. She then told me that one of the our young sons was unwell and was calling her and that she had to hang up, f**k me I was like a mad man, how I stopped myself from putting in the back window of that car I will never know. I was no more than twenty yards behind them in a field and could even hear them joking about me.


Anyway they both got out of the car and were chatting no more that ten feet away from me when my fucken mobile rang, I fell of the fence and ripped the whole leg off the new cammo trousers, and yes I was spotted by her, I was called all the names under the sun and was told not to came back near the house or she would call the police, I was sick. What I would like to know from any of you lads who have found themselves in this position is? Should I get my trousers repaired or replace them.

ya f****n headcase! i thought honey legged it! i was just about to ring Dathi Ha Ha :clapper::clapper::victory:

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