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pet ferrets or proper working ferrets


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after looking at pictures of ferrets and there types and seeing avators of born hunter etc im wondering if they are born hunters or just play with the ferrets in a cage with toys , could the mods please when giving people a handle like extreme hunter etc well make sure they are ,as its confusing to see litle ferets in a house small and pet like and next to it born hunter ,you either talk the talk or walk the walk , how many on here actualy hunt properly or just talk about it ,and wish they could as to me HUNTING FISHING IS APART OF LIFE WHAT DO USE THINK , not having ago but lets have your answers please

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Who cares, so long as they are enjoying them selves and not bothering anyone else, some folk put more effort in than others, and what about those that are passionate about there hunting but have to work all week and are only able to get out at weekends ;)

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hello whin


under my aviater it says born hunter but i have been hunting for 22 years, shooting,(20 bore) ferreting,hunting with dogs,

stalking in scotland,& fishing.

it says born hunter because i dont post many replys i just like to read what other people say and learn abit more.

but i do walk the walk & i can talk the talk ( not having a go at you )but sometime it good to just listen.


keep hunting



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will do mate away now for alook see whats on offer for tonite , hey you maybe only get out at weekend but you make the effort , i no its only a computer but all thisborn hunter extreme hunter baffles me when some dont walk the walk ive found out through wexpierence when it comes on top then you no who walk the walk lol

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I don't understand what you're trying to say Whin. So you think working ferrets should still be kept in cramped rabbit hutch style cages with no stimulation apart from when they are worked? What's wrong with putting toys, pipes, etc in with your ferrets?


Who really cares if someone goes out once a month with their ferrets or every day?


It's got nothing to do with anybody what a person does with their working animals IMO.


Oh, and I'm an 'Extreme hunter' on here because I post a lot due to:


1) I've had to give up my job as a plasterer due to ill health,




2) because I can't get out as often as I'd like to, (see reason 1) and still enjoy reading about the things I've been doing since I was a kid.


I still manage to actually get out and do a bit now and again though, even if I'm not as 'Extreme' as others on here! :D








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yep well said maltenby. My ferrets live in a big aviary, pillows, hammocks, toys, etc etc eat lovely nice biscuits alos, rabbits hares, lambs, cows stomachs. They hunt till they cant hunt no more!!


Its nonsense what you are saying WHIN, why do people always try to cause trouble on here and put others down!!



We all could be like if we wanted Whin.....I could say to you, listen whin, i HUNT 5 times a week,(minimum( proper hunting as well...... Do you, no... Reason being, because cercumstances wont let you, and same goes for most of the the other people on here. I f they get out once or twice, then so be it pal...


As for fishing being your life. Well i was guiding on at least 10 different scottish lochs, 4 different english rivers and many different still water in england. I owned 4 different boats and kept them in different locations as far as loch Awe!! I never publish my catchs anymore. Oh i used to, thats when i was all high and mighty and thought i was the dogs bollocks....( i used to write for many diffent publications, and clubs) Then i realized, poeple do fish, and even if it be once a week or once a fornight, they still can call them selves an angler. Ok i was getting far better results than most but that was my own doing. Putting hours in like "no one else".. I earned a lot of good money out of it, and still could if i hadnt f****d my back up. So anyway, think before you call people, because there is always someone who will do it more than him, you, me, and the next man.......

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Don't hunt, keep pet ferrets, go fishing once a week all year round.


If some people are offended by that, then tough. I didn't ask for the moniker 'extreme hunter', it was given me by the website, for being a gobby bugger.


I agree with the sentiments Mal and RFYL have stated. (Try not to fall over with shock there, RFYL.... :D ).

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some good answers guys but not going on at people just a matter of opion and i like seeing diffrent views form show ferrets ,pet ferrets and true dedicated working ferrets , good answers ,just to remeber ferrets are working tool so if you look after them they look after you work wise same as dogs , like abit of diversity and constructive critisism born out of expierence cheers

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  On 09/11/2009 at 14:41, droid said:

Don't hunt, keep pet ferrets, go fishing once a week all year round.


If some people are offended by that, then tough. I didn't ask for the moniker 'extreme hunter', it was given me by the website, for being a gobby bugger.


I agree with the sentiments Mal and RFYL have stated. (Try not to fall over with shock there, RFYL.... :D ).

Bloody hell, i did, lol. Its hard not to agree with Mal, and maybe we can be on the same wave length, cheers, Russ

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ill never win a rossete but i did judge the scottish national working ferret show at scone palace lol and too the young shots out hunting for a day with the basc not all bad just like to se peoles reactions when thrown with a bit diversity from a genuine good guy and hunter

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kay i wished that was true kay but after thirty years you learn diffrent and you breed of the ones that are proven there worth kay , got an oldie just put her down ,and got three i got given while they are alrite no were as good as her ,first time i too her out she latched on to the face of a rabbit others took a few outings , she would work a warren till they were out and kill and kill some more, bred some very good young ones kay had several over the years ,but all diffrent kay .some enever made it to there second season some did , i like constuctive dibates as thtas the only way you see other people and there life stile and THERE HUNTING ABILITY ALL THE BEST

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Well ave heard it all now wats it FECKING matter if ferrets are shown kept as pets as IMHO these people who have the ferrets best intrest at heart have done more for the welfare of this amazing creature than all the old time poachers and keepers put together :wallbash:

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poacher youre losing the question mate , ie if ferrets are only bred for show and not workd do we lose the good working qaulities like terreirs and lurchers , so in the end we have pets and show ferrets and we have workers , great getting some good answers and good constructive critisism , shame you hurt your back RUN FOR YOUR LIFE could had done with ahandy chap about as the current younger members are not cut out fore the great game lol and run for your life if your fit for a day out your welcome like people with abit knowledge getting harder to find

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