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overturning the ban

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i havent heard that , but it sounds like hearsay and speculation , the thing to do is to check your source . . Find out where they heard it ,who told them ? Even if it was their plan , i dont think they would announce it officially , so i dont know but it sounds like a rumour

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IF the tories get in next year, they'll have rather more important issues to deal with than hunting.


Like the economy, immigration, home security and crime.


To most of the population, these are more relevent than fox hunting or hare coursing.

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Our lass saw it on an interview one of camerons underlings talking they were showing foxhounds at the time on the tv.

I agree theres more important issues but as far as us hunters go if its not going to be completely overturned ie just the fox hunting side being repealed and the rest standing as it is then i reckon they will lose my vote.

I thought someone on here might have seen the same thing id like to know for sure wouldnt suprise me though if they did :thumbdown:

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They are tryig to introduce a bill which will outlaw the breeding of gamebirds, effectivly ending game shooting as we know it,

so what chance do you think hunting has. They wont be happy untill they dispose of everything traditionaly British.

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like everything every half x human or incomer can stab and shoot away aslong as its on the street and its our local british they are doing it to get the lot out get the bloody knife crime and binge drinking sorted out and let folk get on with hunting animals that can be classed as nothing but vermin and problem species killing peoples stocks of food birds and egg producers and other species wrecking crops etc were in the wrong country folks lets paint our faces with mud arm our selfs with a machete and a 900 year old rifle and anything will be fare game even our bloody next door neighbor .

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They won't overturn the hunting ban at all . not one of them came out of the expences crap without some shame they are all the same in it for the money not for you and me . If the money from fox hunting some how got into their pockets it would be allowed as for hare coursing no way no money (so bribe your loacal mp buy him a pint get some pictures of him with a lady ) thats the only way to get it back

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i got a visit from our msp, touting for votes, i asked him in no uncertain terms, if the tory party would be overturning the hunting ban, he assured me that it was one of there agendas to do so------------so tories will be getting my vote this time-----den

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it wont make a shites worth of difference who is in or out in the next election no one ever gets to where they are with out bullshit and bare faced lies. you get the local scrooges going door to door asking can we count on your vote. bet you if you said i hear the conservatives are giving out free blow jobs compliments of playboy they would reply yes just to get your vote and the next thing you know no blow job and the shit is still hitting the fan.

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Just had a look on google and found this


Interestingly, the hunters have now floated the idea that while they might bring back fox hunting for sport, they would maintain the ban on hare coursing. Hare coursing so clearly lacks any of the so-called pest control arguments they like to use with other quarry like deer and foxes, that they are already contemplating whether to accept defeat and the loss of coursing as being a price that they would be prepared to pay to bring back live quarry hunting for sport. Quite what Clarissa Dickson Wright and the coursers will have to say about that strategy has yet to be heard, but I can imagine what they will think of being the ones asked to pay the price of repeal.


Link for the article http://cruelsports.wordpress.com/2009/10/16/


And another


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