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info on gamekeeping

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I want to be keeper and have looked into colleges offering courses but i cant afford the price they are charging for accomadation but my local college does a agricultural course. do some estates hire keepers with this qualification. i have helped out with freinds who do pheasent shooting by filling feeders, pest controle etc. so if i did the agriculture course would there be a chance of me being hired when applying bearing in mind i know how hard it is to come by a keeper job.oh and i dont care what kind of job it is even it means working as a underkeeper.

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You need to realise there are many people wanting to be keepers,(loads come out of sparsholt,thurso, barony colleges every year to name a few) filling a few feeders and doing a bit of pest work dosn't make you a keeper. You certainly are not ready to be a full/part time keeper with no real experience. Theres a lot more to it! The agricultural course will probably be nothing or very little to do with being a keeper, if you are serious then you need to be looking at doing the keepering course and finding cheaper accomodation an underkeepers job is more likely after that. Get yourself known to local shoots by beating and getting to know the local keepers, they will know of jobs that become available. Most shoots will advertise a keepers job around feb/march time.


Best of luck, you will probably need it. :yes:

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I want to be keeper and have looked into colleges offering courses but i cant afford the price they are charging for accomadation but my local college does a agricultural course. do some estates hire keepers with this qualification. i have helped out with freinds who do pheasent shooting by filling feeders, pest controle etc. so if i did the agriculture course would there be a chance of me being hired when applying bearing in mind i know how hard it is to come by a keeper job.oh and i dont care what kind of job it is even it means working as a underkeeper.

you will start as a trainee keeper and you have to work up2 a under keepers job mate it aint easy at all get in touch with thurso college as if you get on the course they put you on an estate and you dont need to pay for accomodation you live on the estate and go to college 1 week per month to start within your 1st year you can start at 16. its a long way from home mate but it mite be worth it. thurso concentrates on upland keepering mostly aimed at grouse but there are plenty of good moors near you in county durham aiming to start at the bottom of the heap is all you can hope for mate and you could be a trainee for at least two or 3 years depending before you will be anything like ready to even think of an underkeepers job and they are like rockin horse sh*t when you are ready i went to thurso its the best for upland keepering get in touch with the colleges there are funding grants and bursaries available. if you are serious then do the ground work if you cant be arsed doin that then give up the idea mate its a long hard road and you need to really want to do it. its not for the non committed or faint of heart not trying to put you off just given you some facts from some who has done it.



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