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legal Quarry

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I am new to hunting with an air rifle and was looking for some advice.


I have my gun, practised loads on targets and have my permission (1500 acres of mixed arable, meadows and woodland).


I was wondering what I can legally shoot and if I needed any sort of licence?




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To shoot any birds, you have to do so under what is known as a general licence. These licences give you the specific conditions for shooting birds, and you must comply with them. The licences are free to download from natural England, I believe there is a link pinned on here somewhere, probably in this sections FAQ.


You must have written permission from the land owner/tenant.


You don't need a licence to shoot rabbits, rats and other non feathered legal air rifle quarry.

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i have never heard of needing a licence just to shoot birds like pigeons, crows and maggpies with an air gun i thought u could kill any animal with an air gun that was named as pest if you had a reason to. although i did know you needed written permission from the land owner/tenant.

Edited by pest hunter 151
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  On 12/11/2009 at 20:52, pest hunter 151 said:

i have never heard of needing a licence just to shoot birds like pigeons, crows and maggpies with an air gun i thought u could kill any animal with an air gun that was named as pest if you had a reason to. although i did know you needed written permission from the land owner/tenant.



The general licence is more of a conditions for shooting birds it's not a licence that you apply for like fac. Look it up. But it states things like to shoot pigeons they must be causeing damage to crops. You can shoot any animal that is classed as a pest and that is legal airgun quarry with a air gun, obviously mr fox and long ears are out of the question so are pheasants, partridge and so on.

But main ones you can shoot are pigeons; crows, magpies, jays, collard dove, rabbit, rat.

I suggest you have a good read of it and even print a copy off for such reasons as some bizzy body phones police yu can prove quickly you are shooting legal quarry, for the same reason I also carry my permission card an up to date chronograph print out from a gun shop. Oh and some form of I'd.

good lick, happy shooting



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  On 12/11/2009 at 23:31, paddy.t said:


You can shoot any animal that is classed as a pest and that is legal airgun quarry with a air gun, obviously mr fox and long ears are out of the question so are pheasants, partridge and so on.

But main ones you can shoot are pigeons; crows, magpies, jays, collard dove, rabbit, rat.




Paddy my good fellow; I'd have to disagree with you on the Pheasant, etc..


I know they are not considdered vermin or pest, but if the land owner has no objection then you could easily take pheasant with a sub 12 :yes:

In fact there is a book on the very subject that is advertised on this forum about this the link leads here


Also mentioned are other quarry such as Grouse and Geese :icon_eek:



Edited by Phantom
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If you have permission from the land owner to shoot them you can shoot the birds named under general licences. Rats, rabbits, hares, mice (exept dormice), grey squirels, mink, stoats and weasels. You can shoot game birds but always check with the land owner what he wants you to shoot. Permission need not be written but it is a good idea to carry this incase you are challenged. There is no law which says you may not shoot foxes, but don't as an air rifle is not powerful enough and would be inhumane.

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