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Lurcher Pup

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Last night i went out with my young lurcher dog, Buttons (was named when i got him!!!!!)he is 8 1/2 months old and is a 3/4 whippet 1/4 hound


i went to a few nearby fields around my house and as we entered the first field i flicked on the lamp and there was a few rabbits sat out so i turned off the lamp again and almost as soon as i switched off the lamp the moon came out so needless to say these rabbits dissapeared!


So on i went to the far side of this large sowed corn field where i seen one sitting out so on we went around the edge of the field in the shadow of the trees i turned the light on and i was directly between the rabbit and the hedge line the rabbit squatted so i made my way out towards him dog in tow we got with in a bout two yards of the rabbit [bANNED TEXT] he moved i let off the dog and he chased him to the ditch no luck this time


so over the ditch we went into a corn field and made our way around the perimeter to another squatter this time the dog gave good chase and was noticeably improving with every run but this was another missed rabbit.


I was standing at the gate of my house and decided i would try just two more fields


the next field had two rabbits also squaters no luck here either


i went into a massive grass field which is very fast ground we couldnt get close to them so i made my way to the road and decided to call it a night or so i thought.


i was walking up the road and stopped at the gate of where we seen the two rabbits and there was one back out!! this one had his back to us so i jumped the gate and got between the rabbit and his home


on went the lamp and off went the pup he followed the rabbit to the ditch and turned him away he chased this rabbit for what seemed like an eternity and must have turned him 6 or 7 times until he finally got to grips with it!!


i was so happy with this young dog who is showing plenty of promise i have high hopes for him this season and was pleased with our night out.


Happy hunting James






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he sounds keen butons maybe running to hard get him out more and get him to relax you msybe missed the best part of getting game educated , just keep him at it hee has the speed but not the control yet had a threeqaurter greyhound qaurter whippet she was agood little bitch

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  On 08/11/2009 at 20:39, tonycfc88 said:

Better luk next time jamesy it wont take him long to catch on.

If u fancy it try him with a quarter cut of liver not too much and the desire will be there

to catch the game :thumbs:

. . . . . . could you explain what you mean by this please?

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