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out on the new permission


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hi lads


me and markeman got this new permission the other week and last night we decided to give it ago so wor kid rang the farmer the day before then rang me to say ill pick you up at 01:30 :icon_eek: which turned out to be 02:30 :whistling: cos he forget to wake up :whistling: anyhow off we set 2 blokes..6 ferrets 2 guns and a dog ... arrived on site about 3:30 and could'nt how light it was we were in the middle of no where the sky was clear moons shining down on us and not a breath of wind (apart from wor kid :sick: )

anyhow i put my wellies on which was a wise move WASNT IT wor kid lol and off we set to the first field stuck the lamp on and wow the whole field lit up with little red dots which just seemed to sit there you would think someone had told them about us and they had a welcoming commitee out ..unfortunealty the conditions were crap clear sky no wind and as it was a grazing field no bloody cover so the very quickly headed for cover .

not being put of we continued up the field where wor kids light decided to pack up so we were down to 2 guns 1 light as we walked towards the top field mr bunny decided he wanted to take wor kid on so i stood with the lamp while he got closer he got to his 30mtr range slowly dropped to a kneeling shot then nothing 2 sec's later click click ...it helps when you cock your rifle :wallbash: lucky for him the rabbit was feeling brave and didnt twitch then there was a small pifft from his super 10 and the rabbit dropped the only thing left twitching was its back legs but could we heck find it he def dropped it but it was like hoodeny ..

so we gave up the ghost and on we go i spotted a bunny it was about 100mtrs away but not light shy great i thought slowly a stalked it must of took me 10 mins to get within the 30mtr down to my knee inhale exhale take the slack up inhale exhale squeeze just as i did this wor kid who also spotted it decided to see how far it was away with his lazer which spook mr bunny and it moved just as the pellet passed him lol


as we got to the fence line more bunnys so over the barbed wire fence and squelch my foot has dissapeared but that was when i remembered how pleased i had my wellies on and remembering what wor kid had just done i said nowt over the fence he came and squelch :notworthy: i love god hehehe as he didnt have any wellies on as we walked down the fence line i spotted a bunny sitting on the beck bank using the gate as a rest 1 mil holdover and crack i love the soung of lead on skull it back flipped and rolled into the beck ..we decided to cross the beck climd up the bank to the other field again i love my wellies :notworthy:

at the top of the bank another fence wor kid went over 1st (head over heels) lol sorry mate last night just wasnt your night as we walked across this field another set of red dots looked back at us and within range wor kid used me as a rest for a standing shot as he squeezed the trigger all we heard was hisssss no pellet straight away we thought seals but the hiss was more like back pressure so we headed back to the car for a cuppa and a look at his gun ...the back pressure was caused be a blockage in the barrel (did tell you it wasnt his night)as he started stripping it down i headed onto the other permission for a last mooch before daylight where i bagged another 2 rabbits with my trusty pro sport(im sorry to say this springer has come out on top over pcp's in the last few trips)


anyway i got back to the car for a cuppa about 6am to find wor kid tucked up in his doss bag with the pup keeping him warm .... so 3 hours shooting we only bagged 4 rabbits 1 of which we couldnt find


as daylight broke we put the guns away and got kitted up for a mornings worth of ferreting we only done about 6 sets where we worked 6 ferrets and the pup who is in training but by the end of the day we ended up with this lot 26 in total


the one wor kid shot we found the next day whilst ferreting



Edited by festa
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Another great writeup mate!


Definately not my night though, when I have a bad night I make sure I do it properly. Lol


needless to say the rifle is repaired and I'm currently on the lookout for a new lamp


roll on the next visit



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Cheers Si mate!


Problem with the rifle was magazine failure, as pretty common problem with BSA mags as I have been reading, but all sorted now, mag stripped, cleaned and oiled, and will be getting checked EVERY trip now..... ;) ;)



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