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ferreting today

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went out ferreting this morning on myself with my two jills ,lurcher and a couple of nets.the first warren i tried was crap and nothing at home as my little albino was put down each hole and came out another.next warren was on a hedge with about 20 or more holes,i only set about 7 nets and then entered the two jills and within a few minutes a rabbit burst into the awaiting net.as the rangers were now petrolling not far from me.so i picked up the nets and set of home with the one coney for dinner tomorrow at skool. :11:


heres a pic took with my phone.




good hunting



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Andy do u still fancy coming up here for a shine one night? I know some decent spots where we should do alright :whistle: And if your worried about bram wondering onto the motorway dont worry mate. I dont actually run mine on the fields next to it :11: My bitch misty's fitness is spot on and i know bram is on form so we should have a good night ;) Just bring ya running shoes :rocker: :11:



Edited by witton
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a up you little shit , :laugh: its about time you got them ferrets out , they will be ready for there bus passers soon , i bet they are doing this now :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: , :11: :11: :11: :11: :11:


aup mate


now my dad will let me take them out on my own i took them out last season and gonna take them out alot this season to get bramble into a good ferreting dog.have you been out lately with dogs or ferrets.


good hunting



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aup mate


now my dad will let me take them out on my own i took them out last season and gonna take them out alot this season to get bramble into a good ferreting dog.have you been out lately with dogs or ferrets.


good hunting




keep it up kid , 1 day you could end up like me , your uncle,tell your dad that and he will say f**k off not likely, out tomorrow night with jack and flare, heather will be stopping in as she might be in pup , catch you later mate .




p.s good hunting

Edited by chris hickling
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