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Its not final, its just back online for people to use, there will be changes no doubt... Would anyone like certain features added on here ?


Any chance of being able to choose darker contrasting colours???? For some reason these light colours hurt me peepers.

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I haven't been on here for a few days, and now everything looks different, is summat i`ve done, ????

sorry if this has already been raised and i`ve missed the thread, ;)


By the amount of replies, it`s not just me then, Lol..... I`ve been messing around with my computer and thought i`de messed summat up, lol!!!!!!

As far as whether i like it or not, "I think it`s ok"

and we all know that looks ain't everything, it`s the people that use the Forum that make it what it is,

And to be honest this site suffers with an excess of bigoted, racist, numpties....

Oops better keep my head down now as i`ll be in for all sorts of threats of unimaginable things :boxing::doh:



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One other thing in the language boxs next to the skins selector it says English (USA) Not meaning to provoke our American friends but is this not a website based in England.


Yes I know this makes me look anal............



I'll get me coat :tongue2:

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Its not final, its just back online for people to use, there will be changes no doubt... Would anyone like certain features added on here ?


You could make picture size limit a bit bigger if you can. it would be very helpfull to anyone who doesent understand photobucket



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i dont like either,but as it costs nowt i car,nt complain,i keep getting something called Shout box coming up,and mines slow to load as well.As for suggestions ,how about an over 45s section,where there are no pictures of pups stood in grass, homo talk,words like ferts and sqizzers,calling the coloureds,poorly ferret s and last but not least text talk

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