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RIP Scooby

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well mate..ive seen hundreds of running dogs, But there have only been two i was left breathless by when setting eyes upon them in the flesh.. One was Turks Golly...The other was Scooby...Since Ive been on the net I have seen him mature into possibly the greatest lurcher in the country at his chosen vocation...

Good hunting Where you have gone fella....

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sorry to hear the bad news mate did you get my text ,i was only looking at him the other day in the cmw and telling my mate how good a dog he was, i was one of the lucky ones to have seen this dog work and he made it look so easy in what he did .i was going to ask you if it was ok to put him over my bitch lizzy ,fecking same we never did ..really feel gutted for you mate, its one of them weeks as every body i see is having bad luck with there dogs and im one of them..speak to you soon matey ..

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Guest Bull Cross

unlucky fella,,,your next one will be just as good because its what you do best . Dont forget its your dedication that brings the best out in your dogs . Scooby and you deserved each other . all the best

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  Bull Cross said:
unlucky fella,,,your next one will be just as good because its what you do best . Dont forget its your dedication that brings the best out in your dogs . Scooby and you deserved each other . all the best


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Guest Nightwalker
  marko said:
what can you do mate thats what we keep them for to run and run r.i.p. scooby.



Hi. It's always a huge shame to lose a good dog, doing its job ,in its prime, I have lost far more than my fair share through lamping accidents like that, and two years ago I had to start again from scratch after a series of accidents wiped me out. It's big dogs, fast dogs and dogs that try hard always suffer the most - its never the little, slow, half-hearted feckers that come to grief. With that said, having been in the game a long time and lost a lot of dogs one way and another I have found that each time I have thought I have had the 'dog of a lifetime' and then lost him/her whether to injury or old age, within a year or two I have had a new star coming on and excelling in various areas and teaching me new things, so salute his memory and move on. N.

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