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RIP Scooby

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Some things in life have natural talent that`s just kind of hard to hide and it made you famous Shag for all the right reasons.

Scoob will be remembered by many because many witnessed him do what he done best and i can honestly say i dont know who had the bigger heart you shag or the dog called scoob..

You both deserved better..


He would of in the end ;)

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Dogs that give their all, 100%, and have the reputation that scooby had, never make old age mate. :( As the old chinese proverb goes..."Better, to live , one second , as a tiger,....than to live a year, as a sheep".He had a good life, with plenty of work, and well looked after, thats a lot more than most get.Take comfort from that.

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Hi guys/..... well, basically... he was involved in a collision with a wall....we tried all we could but there was no way he would ever walk again. The dog always gave 100%, but we cannot wrap them up in cotton wool. He ran his quarry out of the beam and collided in dark. Had the best years of my life with him and he may be very hard to replace. I dont regret a single moment with him, but just wish he could have taken a red deer, but that matters little now. It always happens to the good ones im afraid. Good hunting guys. :signthankspin:


Bad luck and good dogs always seem to go together .

He lived the life.

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