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Trapping Australia

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Those pictures don't show anything illegal in his (steaming's) country. If he chooses to post photos of a legal activity on this international board then that's up to him. They can't ban foot holds again here can they? Ultimately, he's his own ambassador for his sport so he knows the risks better than we do. Ok, so the pic is distasteful to us, but we can't apply our moral values to Australians as much as they can't to us.


As I said, this is an international board and occasionally you are going to see practices which are outlawed here. f**k me, most things are outlawed here so you are liable to see loads! Accept that this is common practice in Australia and get over it. If you don't like it, dont post, that way it'll disappear off the forum quicker.

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We have to be open about individual countries laws and hunting styles/quarry/dogs, etc.


The member posting the images is not breaking any law within his country of origin... so for me the post can be left, if the image was graphic in nature then it would be removed..


Where do we draw the line...

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Those pictures don't show anything illegal in his (steaming's) country. If he chooses to post photos of a legal activity on this international board then that's up to him. They can't ban foot holds again here can they? Ultimately, he's his own ambassador for his sport so he knows the risks better than we do. Ok, so the pic is distasteful to us, but we can't apply our moral values to Australians as much as they can't to us.


As I said, this is an international board and occasionally you are going to see practices which are outlawed here. f**k me, most things are outlawed here so you are liable to see loads! Accept that this is common practice in Australia and get over it. If you don't like it, dont post, that way it'll disappear off the forum quicker.

well said stabs, it aint illegal in oz, the fox is an introduced species in australia and it has to be controled to protect species that are at risk down there.

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Guest tommo
Those pictures don't show anything illegal in his (steaming's) country. If he chooses to post photos of a legal activity on this international board then that's up to him. They can't ban foot holds again here can they? Ultimately, he's his own ambassador for his sport so he knows the risks better than we do. Ok, so the pic is distasteful to us, but we can't apply our moral values to Australians as much as they can't to us.


As I said, this is an international board and occasionally you are going to see practices which are outlawed here. f**k me, most things are outlawed here so you are liable to see loads! Accept that this is common practice in Australia and get over it. If you don't like it, dont post, that way it'll disappear off the forum quicker.

well said stabs, it aint illegal in oz, the fox is an introduced species in australia and it has to be controled to protect species that are at risk down there.

nice photos dont agree with the traps not illegal in aus but snares can get round feet just the same much better to get with dogs then they are dead quick

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Having recently moved to a country where that kind of trapping is legal (and a common practice) i can see both points of view. I have run trap lines VERY simular to these (leg holds)

I have also released animals from some traps for various reasons, and they have had a bit of a scrape, but they are not damaged. You have to realise the MASSIVE impact the Red fox has had on Australia...it has desamated many species of animals..

Its very easy to say "Thats wrong, this is right!" and so on. In China they eat dogs all the time. In the Phillapines (Spelling?) they eat Balout which is Duck foetus, in Malaysia they eat Monkeys...so what?..who are we to tell people what they can or cant do in there OWN country?...Im sure many of these places look upon western cultures with disgust...I mean, c'mom..who the f**k thinks Kebabs are exseptable!..lol.

If its legal, in the country your in...and if you so choose, then do it.

I wonder how many thousands of animals are gassed or poisoned in the UK?...i bet the number has increased since the ban...Obviously, the twat-ish Goverment there think its better to gas, than let decent hunting folk go about there life style!...at least an animal in a leg hold is held, and then shot in the head...a form of death i would much rather die of than getting Cymaged or summat!...each to there own.


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imho i have no qualms with the pics as the name says on the door as you come in the hunting life,hunting around the world not just here yes some people wont agree with them healthy debate is what its all about every country will have people with different views of whats wrong and right traps have the part to play in pest and vermin control along with all the other methods we employ just my opinion :p:p:p:D

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It seems that I have offended some of you. For that I sincerely appologise. However, both of the foxes you see are being held by "soft catch" rubber jaw traps. These feature offset jaws which are padded with rubber, at least two swivels and a cusion spring. Niether animal was injred in the trap. It is quite legal to trap foxes in this way in most places in Australia.


I'd be happy to answer any questions on the ethics and whys and wherefores of catching foxes in this way. :good:

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Nice come back Steaming,Unless your a lentil eating treehugging anti hippy veggie,then I think its a bit hypocritical to criticise another hunter,I think if you had made it clear in the beggining of your thread the methods you personaly use the criticism would of been less.

To be a hunter IMHO the legalitys are irelevant it is more a question of moral and personal conscience.

Is it a legal obligation to use the rubber guards on leg hold traps in Australia?

What other quarry do you trap?

Do you personaly use other methods?

How many Foxes can you expect to catch in a 24hour period?

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Guest chilli

f**k me i agree with postie its a miracle , but i must admit there are a load of two faced big headed egotistical wankers on these sites an the shit they talk is growing by the day . you tell people who lose the livin because of foxs an such like they will laugh an proberbly smack u in the face . killins killins wat ever way you do it dont try an take the moral high ground thinkin u are better than others because you aint you just sound like anti's

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