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Troops in Afghanistan

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to right if i was in charge id chuck out all the shit skins, bring home all our troops and invade france move through europe and clear all the shit out , then nuke the rest iud sooner see the end of mankind than allow shit skin rule, id teach em about suicide bombing if it came to it id atomise the earth before id give them an inch of land

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  hagar said:
to right if i was in charge id chuck out all the shit skins, bring home all our troops and invade france move through europe and clear all the shit out , then nuke the rest iud sooner see the end of mankind than allow shit skin rule, id teach em about suicide bombing if it came to it id atomise the earth before id give them an inch of land



Someone tried something along the same lines as that before was not his name Hitler ?


As the wife of a serving soldier i wish they weren't there BUT they are and if they pull out now all it will achieve is a f*****g great big moral boost to the terrorists and heroin growers that fund the training of their troops. Afgan is the breading ground of the Al Queda,

i didn't think the British public were the sort to admit defeat.!! :gunsmilie:


i agree that there are too many of the wrong type on our shores already but what i mean by wrong type is extremists, i personally would have no problem with immigration if the only people allowed in contributed positively to our country and if they broke our laws are deported Rather than waited on in our prisons add to this a yearly limit on entries in to the country and things will begin to improve.

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Bring back the lads and lasses not just ours but all the other countrys serving there. Theres other ways to make them suffer . Asolutely no involvement with them ie aid ,food,money ,medicine anything you name give them feck all . If every country did this and stopped trading with those that aided them it would hit them hard. Every country in the world relies on another to sum degree wether it be gas ,oil, rice, coal, other essentials a country cannot survive without trading with others .

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Anyone who feels strongly about this very serious subject should read the following article:





Anyone who thinks that we are there because of 911, bombs on trains or bombs in buses, they are very wrong.


As always this war like the one in Iraq is about MONEY and POWER.


Obama's current defence big wig, Zbigniew Brzezinksi wrote a book in 1997 called "The Grand Chessboard" which outlines the US imperialist plans for Eurasia. These plans are now in full swing. It's not a coincidence.


The Grand Chessboard

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  Brummy said:
Anyone who feels strongly about this very serious subject should read the following article:





Anyone who thinks that we are there because of 911, bombs on trains or bombs in buses, they are very wrong.


As always this war like the one in Iraq is about MONEY and POWER.


Obama's current defence big wig, Zbigniew Brzezinksi wrote a book in 1997 called "The Grand Chessboard" which outlines the US imperialist plans for Eurasia. These plans are now in full swing. It's not a coincidence.


The Grand Chessboard



At last someone who can see the wood through the trees. Yes we have to support our armed forces but they are there for the wrong reason and the thieving lieing pieces of shite who run our country will keep them there so long as they think they can fleece a bit more out of there no matter what the cost.


There is no doubt about the courage and bravery of our armed forces but the way I see things panning out, this will be the UK's Vietnam ;)

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  why jelly said:
  Brummy said:
Anyone who feels strongly about this very serious subject should read the following article:





Anyone who thinks that we are there because of 911, bombs on trains or bombs in buses, they are very wrong.


As always this war like the one in Iraq is about MONEY and POWER.


Obama's current defence big wig, Zbigniew Brzezinksi wrote a book in 1997 called "The Grand Chessboard" which outlines the US imperialist plans for Eurasia. These plans are now in full swing. It's not a coincidence.


The Grand Chessboard



At last someone who can see the wood through the trees. Yes we have to support our armed forces but they are there for the wrong reason and the thieving lieing pieces of shite who run our country will keep them there so long as they think they can fleece a bit more out of there no matter what the cost.


There is no doubt about the courage and bravery of our armed forces but the way I see things panning out, this will be the UK's Vietnam ;)



Amen Brother...............

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Although Afghanistan appears as a single country on the map it is populated by people who largely adhere to local tribal allegencies. The Taliban ,Al Quieda etc are the overt bogy-men at which Westen efforts are understanably aimed but the inherant Afghan culture of self-reliance ,local allegence and contempt of strangers has historically kept foreign powers at bay. Victorian Britain lost a whole army of 16000 men, the Russians failed dismally despite chemical war-fare,scorched -earth policies and genocide .

The leaders of the Western World would have done well to note the lessons of history.

The same leaders would have done well to remember that the during the Russian conflict Afghans were well trained both in propaganda and military tactics by the very Western powers that are aligned against them now .


It is the mercurial and mercenary nature of the Afghan tribes people that is "embedded " in the population not Allied military staff who serve such short tours that no real local relationships can develop.


It is not a unified country with a single representative government that can be supported successfully , defeated by" limited aggression "warefare or influenced by western diplomacy. Possibly very long-term intervention at the cost of thousands of lives and vast amounts of money in the form of bribes (sorry I mean loans )might show superficial results . Enforcing artificially even democratic change on on a country is not Democracy .

Afghanistan has for long been the subject of "The Great Game" between super-powers .It occupies a strategic position and no doubt is both a breeding ground for insurgents and a source of untapped natural recources .Assuming that the present softly-softly approach of the Allies were abandoned in favour of a massive -no-holds barred campaign that resulted in a crushed and demoralised populace begging for terms it would still need a large oppressive Imperialist army to maintain any semblence of stability whilst Afghanistan was being rebuilt in a favourable image to the West.


We hear of of soldiers that have lost their lives but the government does'nt want us to know about the thousands of injuries . The arms ,legs ,hands ,feet and genitals that lay scattered alongside chilly mountain roads in Afghanistan do not make good propaganda .


One of my very best friends is there now . He has military objectives ,he has a duty to do what this tumble -arsed ,so-called government asks of him but in his own words ;


"My priority is to keep my men safe and bring them home in one piece ".


It must be awfull for people who who have loved ones and family serving in the forces to have to read this sort of thing but I think the men and women doing their duty in Afghanistan -often with great bravery -deserve to be brought home



PS edit at about half past one . Just heard Brown on the radio . He's had strong words with the Afghan president you know ? Apparently he's jolly upset about the endemic Afghan corruption and vote -rigging and unless it gets sorted he 's not keen on any more of our soldiers risking their lives . Bit late for that Brown boy!

Edited by comanche
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  ferret15 said:
  hagar said:
to right if i was in charge id chuck out all the shit skins, bring home all our troops and invade france move through europe and clear all the shit out , then nuke the rest iud sooner see the end of mankind than allow shit skin rule, id teach em about suicide bombing if it came to it id atomise the earth before id give them an inch of land



Someone tried something along the same lines as that before was not his name Hitler ?


As the wife of a serving soldier i wish they weren't there BUT they are and if they pull out now all it will achieve is a f*****g great big moral boost to the terrorists and heroin growers that fund the training of their troops. Afgan is the breading ground of the Al Queda,

i didn't think the British public were the sort to admit defeat.!! :gunsmilie:


i agree that there are too many of the wrong type on our shores already but what i mean by wrong type is extremists, i personally would have no problem with immigration if the only people allowed in contributed positively to our country and if they broke our laws are deported Rather than waited on in our prisons add to this a yearly limit on entries in to the country and things will begin to improve.



My way of thinking is excactly the same as yours, but are our troops hands not tied by silly little laws that are not allowing them to fight these sneaky barbaric b*****ds with the same type of power there using against us??


We are England and with our hands untied we could wipe these rats out in no time, but NO thats to easy.

Why are the Heroin fields not being taken out the way we were promised they would be??


Why are our streets full of heroin addicts (made this way by the Asian dealers)?


Stop immigration for a long enough period for us to deal with the enemy that is on our shores.


What are other countries doing to help us here??


I hope the boys stay safe today whilst we are warm in our homes.

Edited by BULLDOUG
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  Aaron Proffitt said:
Should our troops come home ? Public opinion is 73% as it is a war that cannot be won !!



It can be won...but not the politically correct way it's being fought.


So it can't be won then can it.


What have we achieved since we invaded?

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