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Dog Paintings & Drawings?

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Hi All,


Last weekend my friends lurcher was killed in action.


Mate is well gutted as he was a great dog and proven over many nights on all quarry.


Anyway we though it would be a nice idea to get him a picture of his dog, however the only pictures we have are not ver high resolution to i though it would be good to send some pictures to someone to draw or paint a picture to give to him.


Has anyine done this? how much would it cost? what were the results?


If anyone has and advice i would rreally appreciate it.


Here is Bert. R.I.P





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Good luck in your search but be carefull as i've seen the same done and unless the artist is either very good or knew the dog that little something that made the dog who he was may be missed in the drawing and your pal might not really like the pic if you see what i'm saying?.I'd say the bigger the pic sent the better and send a few different ones for a better view of the dog for the artist from different angles.

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I had 2 oil potraits done of my dogs 29 year ago and the well known local artiste took a load of his own photos to get the detail and coulour right.I paid £80 for each painting back then and they only mesure overall size including frame 20inch by 20inch so i would not like to hazard a guess wat they would cost now.Its a brilliant gesture if you can get an artiste to do it as [bANNED TEXT] i look at mine now i am glad i worked that overtime down the coalmine to pay for them as they cost more each than my weekly takehome pay at the time.atb dell

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