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how to get my dog fit

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hi i was wondering if anybody could help me

i have a 2 year old 1st cross saluki greyhound x collie greyhound x bedlington wippet

i was just looking for some information on how to get my dog fit for lamping rabbits foxes pretty everything that moves and what diet to put him on i love huntting but this is my first dog i normally go with others and there dogs but i liked it so much i bought my own dog iwould send a pic but i dont know how

cheers sparker

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hi i was wondering if anybody could help me

i have a 2 year old 1st cross saluki greyhound x collie greyhound x bedlington wippet

i was just looking for some information on how to get my dog fit for lamping rabbits foxes pretty everything that moves and what diet to put him on i love huntting but this is my first dog i normally go with others and there dogs but i liked it so much i bought my own dog iwould send a pic but i dont know how

cheers sparker

Looks like you've somehow ended up buying an adult dog which is not the best thing to do as it may come with some bad habits . On the up side though you look like you are serious about training it .


Assuming it is a bit unfit you should reckon on up to six weeks of long walks ,a bit of playing and free running in a controlled environment. During this time you can work on stock-breaking , obedience,retrieving and practice lamping dummies . Don't rush the dog out into the hunting field just because your mates are doing it already .Don't get invoved in competetive scrambles with owners and dogs all vying with each other and generally getting into an ill-disciplined mess. Wait until you just "know " he's ready and from preference go out on your own or with one trusted friend who knows the game . At least then if things do go a bit wrong there will be no-one to take the mickey or upset you or your dog and you can concentrate on putting things right.


As to hunting "pretty much anything that moves " .Steady! . You can only legally hunt rats and rabbits .

Edited by comanche
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get em out a couple o times a week . . . let em have 2-3 runs. see how fit/unfit he is. gradually up the work rate. by all means road work brings em alomg, but noting like the real thing. you will see the dog build up

Edited by doris
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ive just started letting my 2 bitches run out of the back of the car now its getting cooler. i know a small back road that never gets used and its not too far away from home so i go up and drive 3 mile at 10 to 15mph letting the dogs follow on behind.i also lamp them alternate when ever i get a decent night and also take them for walks

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ive just started letting my 2 bitches run out of the back of the car now its getting cooler. i know a small back road that never gets used and its not too far away from home so i go up and drive 3 mile at 10 to 15mph letting the dogs follow on behind.i also lamp them alternate when ever i get a decent night and also take them for walks



I push bike every morning if the weather permits, usually about 5-6 miles at a steady trot on the road, when we get on the lanes i go a bit faster, make him run.

Also run him behind car if weather is bad or i can't take him out for a long walk/bikeride.....lazy but it works!

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Trotting beside the bike is excellent for fitness but dont forget the free running/ hunting. An athelete doesnt get fit just by jogging.A barf diet is the ultimate diet for any working dog. atb stabba


have you been spying on me stabba ? :D you have my routine and diet to a T bud ;)


atb jackard

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