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opinions on getting a middle toe off on me dogs front foot

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good crack dennned, a couple of other lads i go out with have said the same as you, im gonna do what ever a can for this dog cause hes worth it, its intresting to hear all the views of people keep them comeing. the dog is gonna get a good rest and tried again before anything gets decided. On another note has anybody ever had a dogs toe pin fired heard mixed reports on this as well :good:

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good crack dennned, a couple of other lads i go out with have said the same as you, im gonna do what ever a can for this dog cause hes worth it, its intresting to hear all the views of people keep them comeing. the dog is gonna get a good rest and tried again before anything gets decided. On another note has anybody ever had a dogs toe pin fired heard mixed reports on this as well :good:

having the toe pin fired might work, but it's finding a vet that'll do it now, my thoughts , youd be better getting a retired vet if you can, either that or cross over the water to have it done----good luck--den

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had lurchers 15 yrs 1st one had knocked toes and struggled all her hunting life only ok when retired,last one last year run a deer on cliff tops middle of summer (not intended by the way ) and she fractured a middle toe never knew till she never got better and went to the vets only to find tha fracture not healing right so had it off right tight up to knuckle joint but left a stub as if they took all of to knuckle it gets complicated going through the rear pad she was out of action for a month or two but now ok on soft ground but runs a bit gingerly when on dried worked land but if the conditions are right ie soft for running the larger breeds of running dogs them should be fine mate

total cost of bill roughly 200 quid all in with dressings and tablets

all the best bud


Edited by cassshantia
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my bitch dislocated or broke her innertoe this morn ,the joint had been damaged before about a year ago ,my vet said he would pinfire it 4 me but i never did the toe has moved out to the outsid from the2nd joint so im waitin till tuesday for the swelling to go downto see [bANNED TEXT] to do this time anymore views on this thread wud help me aswell as the topic starter please give your opinions on the subject !!!!

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long time since i had dogs with sore toes ,but if you have to take a toe of better getting just the nail of and fire pinned , never saw adog sound once you have to take toes of after a few hard days they seem to go lame especaily on hard stubble land or a spell of dry weather, alot of whippety type seem to knock up localy , or dogs to heavy for there feet , sorry to here that you need to give them along lay of and well try to run him on beter ground

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I had a dog which had to have a middle toe off on the front, it didn,t make any difference to him, If the problem is at the front of the toe the vets can leave a bit of the toe as some surport for the other toes....

got same problem mate front outside left but bit swollen just now had at vets and got medicationif to bad going to have decision to make got strapped up just now hope he be ok
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