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Back in action and shooting today


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Hi guys,


Well I was given some really good news yesterday from my boss at work.


Not only have I got my old permission back at work, but I also have been asked to shoot on another 26,000 aches of land in Catterick :D .


I was given the phone number of this man who runs a large deer and pheasant shoot in Catterick and he is having massive trouble with bunnies.


I phoned him up and introduced myself and told him what I shoot etc and what rifle I have.


Well has it turns out, he is a top mate with the game keeper I shoot for and shoots pheasants with him.


When I mentioned the game keepers name and informed him about what ive been doing with him he told me that he needs someone to control the rabbits on his land as there are so many he just cant keep them under control.


He asked me if I was up to the task of shooting some for him in the Spring when he wants the culling to start again :whistling: .


Well obviously I said yes, while trying not to jump for joy :boogie: .


He has now asked me to send him my details via email, car colour, model, registration number, mobile number etc and he is going to issue me with a vermin licence so that in the Spring I can crack on and go and give some bunnies a headache.


On another note here are 2 grain robbers that were the first to fall to the trusty old BSA R10 on my old permission now I have my shooting licence back 8) .






Edited by zini
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yeah hey zini. I knew it would all work out lol lol.

Gary said it could be a blessing in disquise and it obviously was ( god damn that geordie luck lol)

anyway pal, congrats on the victory and tough shit to the :wankerzo4: for trying to impede on your permission.

All the very best pal.


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