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amazing how quick a dead rabbit soon loses its appeal when the dog sees another dog getting more live ones





Had that problem once or twice: much better to let the dog come to the right decision and give the rabbit up of its own accord once it realises its missing out on more rabbits. A lesson learned like that is worth a year of harsh training methods and is learned much more quickly too.


The pinching hind leg skin works for me on most dogs, but to be honest that is only something I've found on very young lurchers just starting: probably too young. Give them a few more months experience and they soon grow out of it.

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  DottyDoo said:
i already said mate, put the bunny oot its misery if still alive

an let the dog carry it, after a few times the dog will soon start dropping straight away as they relise theres more runs coming


not the [bANNED TEXT] or only way, but the way that works for me.


amazing how quick a dead rabbit soon loses its appeal when the dog sees another dog getting more live ones


And what do you do when the dog is holding onto it because it's trying to eat it?

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had the same problem with my bullgrey bitch she would retrieve it to your hand and then not let go for nothing ,i tried a few things but no difference ,what i do now is let her retrieve it live ,she will stay at my feet crush its head and then leave it on the floor next to me ,if i wait about 20 secs i can just pick it up no bother and on to the next .you just have to find a way which works for you and your dog ,she,s young 14 months so she,ll start giving them me soon enough ,and i think every one should have a break stick weather it be lurchers ,terriers as when the time comes when your need one youve got it in your pocket ,as ive seen some mad dog fights and dogs with game and sometimes its impossible to split the pair, you never know whats coming next with dogs so best to be preparerd wether you need it or not

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your dog obviously thinks its higher in the pack than you, as others have said obediance training should be first,if that fails get a hamster lol only joking.break sticks do work and a dribble of water up the nose if the stick fails. i dont use either of these as my dogs know when i say leave i mean leave.i think you need to come down hard on this dog and let it know whos boss,i have 3 mastiffs an am bulldog a stafford and an english bull when i pipe up they all know to stop what they are doing and do as they are told.

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