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I spent Halloween night in the grave yard, just me, the S200 and the bunnies :D hoping to play trick or treat, well actually I was hoping to play treat for a trick, you know where I give the bunny a 16 grain lead treat and they repay me by performing a summersault back flip trick :clapper:


It was quite uneventfull, other than the fireworks been let off on a nearby estate, and the crowds of kids dressed in silly costumes standing outside the graveyard, watching me :angry: .


I saw the odd bunny, only five of which were close enough for me to have a go at as I really find rangefinding in the dark very awkward indeed.


Anyways I began by setting up my pellet catcher and target up in the usual position, turned on the lamp and sent 5 pellets just left of centre of the bull, each pellet punching the paper and creating the one hole a no larger than a 5 penny piece.


I wandered around the grave yard until I saw a single glowing jewel sat on top of a very old grave. Raising the scope slowly to my eye, I could see a youngish bunny muching on some greenary. My finger found its way to the trigger and took up the 1st stage, as I exhaled, I stopped and let the 2nd stage go. The pellet gave the bunny a nice parting haircut as it skimmed over the top of the skull by a fraction of a millimeter! :icon_redface:

Needles to say, bugs gave it legs and headed off into the old ladies orchard next door to the graveyard. The good news is, I'll get it one day :yes: and I'll be able to identify it with the parting running the wrong way across its hair!

Bollox!!!! The analysis imediatly began, if I had aimed just below the eye instead of in line with it, that bunny would be on its way to my freezer. I paced it out and found it to be just over 20 paces. My scope was zero'd for 30 :icon_redface:


Half hour later, I'm sweeping the graveyard with the lamp and I saw 4 bunnies over in the distance.

Once again I raised the S200 keeping the lamp on the bunnies, one hopped away while the others just sat there munching happily.

I walked as quietly as I could, got within range and placed the crosshair on a bunnies eye (taking into account the shift of the pellets on the zero target) If I miss this one, I'm going to go home and give up lamping as a bad idea.

First stage came to a halt and as I exhaled a little and held my breath for a second there was a bright flash of red and green light and a loud bang just as my pellet raced down the barrel.

Needless to say the bunnies all legged it sharpish :realmad:


Again I swept the area in the hope that perhaps they would have not gone too far and I noticed an elongated lump on the ground about 6 feet away from where I had taken aim. Walking over I discovered the bunny with the little chunk out of his ear (the one I had the crosshair on) was laid on its side dead as a Dodo :yes:


I could find no entrance wound anywhere on the bunny :shock:

Picking it up by the rear legs (why do we all do that?) and walking back to the bench where I stow my gear, I felt the bunnies skull. It was indeed hard and that confirmed to me that it was not a headshot.

Back at the bench I held bugs up by the ears and its bladder emptied all over my boots! :sick:

Feeling around I could feel the pellet in the far side of the chest! Bugs must have jumped when the firework went off. I got home and opened him up. The pellet had gone through one lung, split the heart and carried on through the other lung, comming to rest just under the skin at the far side of the chest.

I must admit, I am glad that the shot killed the bunny, but its not an area I would deliberatly aim at. Far from it, I pride myself on only taking headshots and I considder this to be a very lucky shot.




Heres my halloween treat :D


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Nice Halloween treat that Phantom. :clapper:


Enjoyed your write up.


Im looking forward to a bit of lamping myself.....just need the lamp to come now :D


If that was Halloween.......roll on Easter a ?? :)


First things first...... Phantom will be off on a turkey shoot for Christmas!

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Thank you gentlemen :D


I'm finding access to the internet difficult at the moment :(

My system suffered a catastrophic failure and I'm scraping files from the hard drive before I have to sterelize it and re-install everything.

At the moment I'm using other systems such as this one in Hull and my local libraries.

They wont allow me to view or upload 'Generally Objectionable Materials' so I cant use THL at the moment.

I'll be back in a few days though :yes:


Take care guys



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