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Molly (Pre Ban)

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pre ban or not , lamping hares is dishonest . .dishonest to the dog , dishonest to the hare



? because its easyer to lamp and run a hare in the day than it is during the night ? isnt everything, ?



Too true mate.

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pre ban or not , lamping hares is dishonest . .dishonest to the dog , dishonest to the hare


Flint everybody knows its harder to ctach a day time hare but f*****g hell it isnt "easy" catching them in the night on the lamp, so stop trying to make the lad look a c**t and pipe down.

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i must admit to respect the hare as quarry, the old fashion way is to do them day time. every one to there own, its illegal either way now in england. by far the best method of control- catching the weeker ones and the strong healthy ones to live and fight another day . what ever you chose is down to how you respect the lady of the night. good luck :)

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pre ban or not , lamping hares is dishonest . .dishonest to the dog , dishonest to the hare


Flint everybody knows its harder to ctach a day time hare but f*****g hell it isnt "easy" catching them in the night on the lamp, so stop trying to make the lad look a c**t and pipe down.

i agree with swift on this as regards to the fact that all daywalkers assume the hare cant run as soon as it gets dark, around here all the hares know every inch of every field, so once it gets thru the hedge its free and gone simply because the lads lamping them cant get to the hedge with his lamp to light up the next field, whereas in the daytime the dog follows the hare thru the fence/hedge and the course resumes in the next field, but at night all lepus has to do id make it to the hedge and he's away, also bearing in mind theres some very small fields around here

and to be honest its something ive never persued as ive never had a dog capable of catching a hare day or night, pre ban they chased a few but fast learned they were pissing in the wind,

and to the youngun that started the thread....well done mate

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flint67, i disagree with you too, my opinion which we are all entitled to, including yourself :yes: look at the lad, he is young, thats the type of folk our sport needs the up and coming youngsters to be getting involved!! well done mate, great lookin bitch you have there :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

he 34 . the photo pre ban. ;)

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pre ban or not , lamping hares is dishonest . .dishonest to the dog , dishonest to the hare

flint67 if your were out lamping pre-ban and there was a hare in the field you'd walk away would you then?

Simple answer . .yes , id switch the lamp off. Hunting is about respect and traditions. Hares are coursed in the daylight and given law. .if you walked up a hare and she squatted then took off 6feet from you , you wouldnt slip the dog would you? Youd give her 50 ,60 yards and if you really wanted to prove your dog even further head start. I started hunting nearly 30 years ago and the guys who showed me the ropes had been hunting 20 or 30 years themselves , its just how i was tought thats all . .its an honour thing. That said i will leave it at that . . Im obviously in a minority now

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F*ck me lads.


With all of the anti crap going around the internet, police in all areas talking about targeting hare coursing.


Can we not agree on one thing, we all love hunting, but we dont all like the same kind of hunting.


Some like ferreting only, some lamping, some daytime(pre ban) and some shooting only.


It take all kind of people to make a forum like hunting life.


Lets just agree to disagree and there will never ever be a finish to this thread!


Pretty sad state of affaris when a thread like this degenerates into a slanging match in less than 2 pages.


If i wanted to listen to this kind of rubbish every night, i would get married!

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pre ban or not , lamping hares is dishonest . .dishonest to the dog , dishonest to the hare

flint67 if your were out lamping pre-ban and there was a hare in the field you'd walk away would you then?

Simple answer . .yes , id switch the lamp off. Hunting is about respect and traditions. Hares are coursed in the daylight and given law. .if you walked up a hare and she squatted then took off 6feet from you , you wouldnt slip the dog would you? Youd give her 50 ,60 yards and if you really wanted to prove your dog even further head start. I started hunting nearly 30 years ago and the guys who showed me the ropes had been hunting 20 or 30 years themselves , its just how i was tought thats all . .its an honour thing. That said i will leave it at that . . Im obviously in a minority now

credit crunch. we cant afford salukies we make do with bin dogs :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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F*ck me lads.


With all of the anti crap going around the internet, police in all areas talking about targeting hare coursing.


Can we not agree on one thing, we all love hunting, but we dont all like the same kind of hunting.


Some like ferreting only, some lamping, some daytime(pre ban) and some shooting only.


It take all kind of people to make a forum like hunting life.


Lets just agree to disagree and there will never ever be a finish to this thread!


Pretty sad state of affaris when a thread like this degenerates into a slanging match in less than 2 pages.


If i wanted to listen to this kind of rubbish every night, i would get married!


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pre ban or not , lamping hares is dishonest . .dishonest to the dog , dishonest to the hare

flint67 if your were out lamping pre-ban and there was a hare in the field you'd walk away would you then?

Simple answer . .yes , id switch the lamp off. Hunting is about respect and traditions. Hares are coursed in the daylight and given law. .if you walked up a hare and she squatted then took off 6feet from you , you wouldnt slip the dog would you? Youd give her 50 ,60 yards and if you really wanted to prove your dog even further head start. I started hunting nearly 30 years ago and the guys who showed me the ropes had been hunting 20 or 30 years themselves , its just how i was tought thats all . .its an honour thing. That said i will leave it at that . . Im obviously in a minority now

day or night still the same outcome for hare if caught is it not feeding at night so up and ready or lying full after goodnight feed in morning got to get dogs fit at end of the day lads just my opinion
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like i sed in a previouse post that it is by far a better run in the day i didnt go out 2 lamp a hare but pre ban if i saw 1 i wud chase it, just of wat i have seen with the dogs used around here the hare as lost the dogs more so of a night than it has in the day usualy due 2 nt bein aple 2 lamp after it has gone through its run or fence ect, plus the hares round here in the night still no exacly where their goin didnt put pics an a post up 4 an argument bt hey every 1 to their own happy hunting guys

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