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Just seen this and this is unbelievably shocking to me!

And we are all worrying about the hunting ban I think we have got a bigger problem than hunting foxes!

whats your thoughts on this then?

My thoughts is I definetely wont be voting labour :piggy: or conservatives :wankerzo4: after watching this even if they did lift the ban!



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this is why people feel there losin there heritage and culture, those who come on here condemin people for sidin with the b.n.p. only need to look at that video to realise why people feel the need to vote for them, and to think that is an area in the u.k. if you didnt know where it was and had to guess 99% of people wouldnt off said the u.k.

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Ive been living in west brom for nearly two years , i thought that was filmed here for a while its no different , makes you feel a stranger in your own land , but our opinions dont count if we voice them we are branded racist ,

the thing to remember is why do they come here , cos they have ruined their own countries , so what will happen to ours

we live in a land where our children have to hope for donations to pay for life saving operations, while anyone can come here and have them on the nhs hmmm

our soldiers are killed in foriegn lands so that these same people can walk our streets and protest ,

if they love their countries and culture so much why dont they go back and fight to defend it themselves

oh dear i must be racist , not

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Just seen this and this is unbelievably shocking to me!

And we are all worrying about the hunting ban I think we have got a bigger problem than hunting foxes!

whats your thoughts on this then?

My thoughts is I definetely wont be voting labour :piggy: or conservatives :wankerzo4: after watching this even if they did lift the ban!



thank god i live in northen.ireland :angry:

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Not many people will comment on this, because of the brainwashing job that the ruling elite have done on us,


but, no other country in the world would tolerate this, why would they, its madness.


Now i havent got a problem with anyone in that film, not one of them, you cant blame them for coming here.


But i pray i live to see the people responsible for selling British culture hang as traitors.

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You may find the lack of replies is because it is a grownups topic.

And others are to busy bitching in the for sale section. I cannot understand why they site admin does not block replies in the that section so people dont have to listen to fools.

If i put an advert in for a dog or such i would want people to phone me not have a dozen people wish me good luck with the sale or thats a nice dog mate, or worse start slagging the dog off.


Sorry about that mate rant over. But it is all true and anyone reading this cannot disagree.


Right any suggestions on whot cross i will need. I was thinking one of those £500 grey x rottie that are floating about

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Not many people will comment on this, because of the brainwashing job that the ruling elite have done on us,


but, no other country in the world would tolerate this, why would they, its madness.


Now i havent got a problem with anyone in that film, not one of them, you cant blame them for coming here.


But i pray i live to see the people responsible for selling British culture hang as traitors.


There are four country's in the uk, and sadly each one of them will have -istan attached to them if we don't act now!

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Why is it shocking to anyone here? Having to live in and amongst it is what's shocking.


How do you know all those people filmed are immigrants?


This thread looks like the usual BNP/EDL bullshit to me.


You ask any of them what they feel they are and I'd bet my life on it not one of them would say they're English, and besides even if they were to say they're English do you consider that sort of mass infestation of an area to be a good thing?


You're happy throw away a part of the country like that are you?

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How do you know all those people filmed are immigrants?


This thread looks like the usual BNP/EDL bullshit to me.

Just out of curiousity , where do you live mate.? happy to be the only white family on your street are you? It wont be long before the whites are the ethnics. Something needs to be done and done now. atb stabba

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Thread needs a new title guys,


"Comin to your neighborhood any day now" :thumbdown:


We go to Wembley quite often and never feel safe there, mind you I think you film any area of the smoke these days and you'll find exactly the same.


Get some accommodation near the O2 and see how comfortable you feel then, get on the tube, walk down the street there and I can guarantee you all that if you are white, you are trash :drink:

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How can decent, british people say its "not a problem". They follow a law, which they are try to impliment, in OUR country, which allows stonning, rape and murder. Whose british leader, a person who speaks for them all, states all none muslim 7/7 bombing victims deserved it as they was not innocent. Also such the political figure he is, publicly states he would stand by a muslim no matter what crime he commited against a none muslim, a man who claims all none muslims should be killed. And you think this is ok?


Before i hear the usual "they are not all like that" maybe not, but the vast majority MUST be due to the fact they follow a crude leader and keep him in power who sings such a visious song.


Its not rasist to be against someones beliefs and values, i.e its not racist to be against a religions that endorses murder of innocent people.

Edited by littletimmy
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