Ricky-N.p.p 0 Posted October 9, 2007 Report Share Posted October 9, 2007 crackin read this thread....hadnt seen it before ! Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted October 15, 2007 Report Share Posted October 15, 2007 Just a quick update on this one; Pat brought me my cover a couple of days ago. I've since been into town and have obtained a tiny cutting of the pipe I require too. It's 60mm. That's something just over 2 1/4". Anyway, I also bought a Hole Saw to the exact same size Have enough plank wood in the cow shed. All I need now is that actual piping and I'm ready to dig a hole. I'm not starting to dig it yet simply because I don't know how much pipe I'll be getting so how far / deep to channel. Pat's promised me some piping. Hey; The guy brought me the trestle / band stands I'd begged him for today. Only took him two or three months to get round to it! The pipe Will come! When it does, I'll start bringing everything together and then ye can all see it, step by step. Due to all the disruption to the rats known enviroment I'll be causing, I'll be baiting, initially, with Blanx Blox. 'Bait' with no poison in it. I'll be doing this because I'll expect a wait and I'll also be monitoring other risk factors, such as the responses of wild birds and my own Dogs. Once I get a take on that? Business as usual. I'll also likely set a trap or two, in due course, just to test out the capabilities of this set up for a modern, 'Approved' trap Link to post Share on other sites
john hubery 9 Posted October 15, 2007 Report Share Posted October 15, 2007 ditchy just sat having a cup of tea and reading your thead,got to thinking, why not make the hole thing out of plywood, make a 3ft box 8inches high with the 4 tunnles meeting in the centre at a baiting cage say 8inches square, with a lift off lid, no digging Im a lazy b*****d!!, right Im off to make onepost the pics on here later see what you think Link to post Share on other sites
john hubery 9 Posted October 15, 2007 Report Share Posted October 15, 2007 ditchy made the box, looks good well I think so,batteries dead on camera so will post pics tomorrow9your all going to want one] LOL Link to post Share on other sites
Dean o Riordan 0 Posted October 15, 2007 Report Share Posted October 15, 2007 now i no i sore that man hole cover i was wondering what it was for.... Link to post Share on other sites
john hubery 9 Posted October 21, 2007 Report Share Posted October 21, 2007 Ditchy heres a picture of the trap based on your idea but without the digging i just need to find some rats now. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted October 21, 2007 Report Share Posted October 21, 2007 F*ck Me, John! Are you an apprenticed Craftsman, or have ye just got Way too much time on ye hands?! That's a piece of furniture, mate! Anyway, point remains that ~ as I stated earlier ~ my damn Dogs would just trash anything they find around here with a rat in it. That's why I'll Have To bury mine I have everything I need to hand now; Except those damn pipes! I see Pat plenty right now. But he's always skittling about on his quad, 'Licking' his juncus. Hardly the right time to flag him down and ask him to go fetch my bits of pipe. But one of these days ..... Link to post Share on other sites
john hubery 9 Posted October 21, 2007 Report Share Posted October 21, 2007 Ditchy I have my own joinery buisness while the lads make things to make me money I make what ever I want to. i did think about making it twice as deep and slopping the tunnels that way the box could be sunk in the ground. we also have a corn merchant selling animal feeds if any of the dog lads or keepers come in with an idea it doesn't take much for me to stop work and start on a new project such as yours. Link to post Share on other sites
moley 115 Posted October 22, 2007 Report Share Posted October 22, 2007 Ditchy heres a picture of the trap based on your idea but without the digging i just need to find some rats now. thats a bit of quality craftsmanship,and i don,t want to piss on ya fire , but if i were you , i would set your fenns so the catch and dog are to the side Link to post Share on other sites
john hubery 9 Posted October 22, 2007 Report Share Posted October 22, 2007 cheers moley mark 2 on its way Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted October 23, 2007 Report Share Posted October 23, 2007 Can I have " Mk I Hubery Trap " then, John? I'd simply cut some slots in those side walls and give the traps a place to lay, while rattus thinks he's got all that (potentially baited) space to head into Myself though; I was never sure about the wire meshes at the ends there. Rattus sees a clear way, he's more liable to go for it. He's never going to make that space alive. Why block his route after he's hit the pan? Ye know, having spent some considerable quality time studying the history and developement of various forms of traps ~ as I'm certain the mole there has too ~ it's always struck me how, ask a Gamekeeper to design a trap and ye'll get one thing. Ask an Engineer and he'll produce something entirely different. (Duncan Rabbit trap springs to mind, eh; Moles? Old?) Now here's a man who works primarily in wood ..... Fasinating. Link to post Share on other sites
moley 115 Posted October 23, 2007 Report Share Posted October 23, 2007 Can I have " Mk I Hubery Trap " then, John? I'd simply cut some slots in those side walls and give the traps a place to lay, while rattus thinks he's got all that (potentially baited) space to head into Myself though; I was never sure about the wire meshes at the ends there. Rattus sees a clear way, he's more liable to go for it. He's never going to make that space alive. Why block his route after he's hit the pan? Ye know, having spent some considerable quality time studying the history and developement of various forms of traps ~ as I'm certain the mole there has too ~ it's always struck me how, ask a Gamekeeper to design a trap and ye'll get one thing. Ask an Engineer and he'll produce something entirely different. (Duncan Rabbit trap springs to mind, eh; Moles? Old?) Now here's a man who works primarily in wood ..... Fasinating. had to look that one up and then its on the front cover , what ever did we do before bateman? Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted October 23, 2007 Report Share Posted October 23, 2007 'Before Trevor', Moles, some of us Researched! There's traps in that book Trev' couldn't even put a name to, mate. Whilst the identities and histories are 'out there'. In fact, there's still shit loads of stuff no one's bothered to take the time and effort to expose even yet. I planned to. But now my throat's been cut and I no longer give a damn. But I have traps here Trevor never had ~ doubt he even knew they ever existed. I also know the chapter and verse history of such traps. Sad thing is, I'm actually starting to Forget some of the facts I've dug up. Like I can't, off hand, remember that name of the estate where they ordered the " Tube Juby " from. Probably got it on some scrap of paper amongst my notes though. I in fact have a Tube Juby sitting right on top of this work station. There. Just reached up and touched it. Fenn Mk I Vermin? Sorted. " Marriage " Vermin Trap? OTC's held it, right here in this mythical cottage in the bog. (Leading Dutch boy almost swallowed his tounge when I told him I had that one! ) Prototypes. Down right esoteric Facts gleaned from the men who designed these things? All here. I put a LOT of effort into it. But that was Trev's short coming, mate; He 'Collected' Traps. He Gathered and Hoarded Traps. But he was never much for doing anything else with them. Finding? He was an undisputed King of coming up with stuff. But Finding Out About what he had? Naah. Just wasn't a strong point with the man. Anyway, Trevor's since sold up. I need a piebald cob mare, trained to drive. I find me someone willing and able to fulfill my requirements? I too would be ready to free some space around here and suddenly start remembering stuff too! Link to post Share on other sites
wabbithunter_15 0 Posted October 27, 2007 Report Share Posted October 27, 2007 comon lads need to keep this thread alive Link to post Share on other sites
OldTrapCollector 377 Posted October 27, 2007 Report Share Posted October 27, 2007 'Before Trevor', Moles, some of us Researched! There's traps in that book Trev' couldn't even put a name to, mate. Whilst the identities and histories are 'out there'. In fact, there's still shit loads of stuff no one's bothered to take the time and effort to expose even yet. I planned to. But now my throat's been cut and I no longer give a damn. Bateman?? Don't make me laugh Moley Between us I think Ditch and I have forgotten far more than the likes of T B and his merry band of men ever knew or ever thought could be uncovered. They will, I am sure, roll in their graves when they find out ~ since Ditch is no longer persuing the quest, then I have taken up the reins to produce the full and unequivical volume of the history of British Traps, including all those unusual names on the gin traps, and the varieties of the more modern types. You'll have to bear with me though ~ such a lifetime of knowledge simply cannot turn itself into print in the blink of an eye OTC Link to post Share on other sites
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