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The internet has brought so much with regards to hunters sharing their experiences and hunting images, meeting like minded friends and informing us of important events, but its real downfall is the anti establishment that use our images of our hunting dogs and memories against us, they now have more access to hunts than ever before and the sad fact is, it all goes toward their fight against us, which they publish with a contorted tale... ;)

We must keep up the fight, never give up...end of the day our dogs give us their all, we must do the same for them....I feel we should try, to push across our views using this great tool they call the web, and show the public we are not barbaric murders just normal people who still enjoy the experience that no drug can give, no plastic rat race comes near to.....its in us all, for we were born in this world hunters and always will be......


Antis Groups






Anybody wanting to right any pro hunting articles, get them written, if there good we will publish them on the site...

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when you look though the sites these people turn every thing against us you dont see the abuse the hunters get but you see if we retaliate :lol: these people dont like hunting but they will beat people up when the get the chance.

im glad i do not suffer with this in guersey

merle ;)

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...cruelty exposed...


It completely destroyed my mental image of the main moderator of this board: a man in his 50ties dressed up in tweed, with a greying millitary moustache to support his weathered but dignified looks.


Is it legal to put up pics of people?


Interesting that the people who are so against blood sports HAVE to push their ethical choice upon others. For some reason emotions seem to rise higher on the hunting issue than on abortion or the current war. They should implant a microchip in all the anti's that would block access to the internet if they eat meat or watch Discovery\Animal Planet transmissions on predators catching prey.


Edited by Lennard
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