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seen 1 being used not very impressed by it. dont really work that well if u have a slight breeze you have to use there own oil which isnt cheap they have a habbit of clogging up or burning out i have asked and done some re search into these and think i will stick to a good ol 2 stroke strimmer engine. but i dont think these are that great as have not had much luck with this either but when dug down to them up they pop. think i will stick to digging.if you have acess to small water bowser flood them out its the best way

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well I must be the exception, I have an extension pipe (1mtr of 30mm waste pipe) which saves bending down, used all day and it only needed filling twice, which at around £20 per 5ltrs, I reckon worked out to around £5 worth if that, the BIG DIFFERENCE is that although the smoke smells weird, you dont go home with a stonking headache which you do (or I did) when using a petrol engine,


the difference is, no noise, so alot of places that may not want the drone of an engine being rev'd all day may well give you that permission,



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  • 8 months later...

I have been useing the Rat Attack Smoker for several years with great success, so when i heard they have launched a new one I was straight on to them. I must say that my first impressions of the unit are very good. Definatly a better built peice of kit than my existing unit. It uses a different smoke fluid to the old type that is a none flamable unlike the old stuff that would occasionally ignite if you were fireing it down a blind hole without the extention tube. I had a little play with the new one on a local farms dung heap that had rats living in it and they definatly bolted better and were not so drowsy as with the old stuff. I notic it also has a much stronger flame with better wind protection and cant see it blowing out easialy. Going to give it a better outing at a chicken farm tomorrow and will let you know how it goes.


You can see more about it on their website www.shootright.co.uk

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah looks good and more practical to use but its still got the nozzle at the end exposed it would be my only concern that you and ya mates out for a days ratting around the farm sloppy mud and farm yard shite every where after a few pokes in to holes would it get blocked up or bent up ? yis willum

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