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i got bailey a choke lead and he still pulls on it .to the point were he is chocking his self .so i correct him and try and walk the other way and he still pulls

and he nearly passes out becuase he pulls so hard the noise he makes is like hes going to die on the lead .so i kept the lead very firm to my hand and made him walk at my pace so he knows that i am the leader but wetn back to hes old ways and still pulls .i make him sit at the door before i go out becuase he gets very excited and dotn want to take him out to bounce all over on the lead .


another thing he goes out side for wees and poos but also does it in the same spot right in fount of the kitchen door i think he has marked hes place there but how do i stop him weeing and pooing there .


and when we go in the kitchen and get passed bailey he will jump at our backs and bite and snarl for no reason



i think bailey is very strong for a pup and most deftnlyi got bull in him


any advice would be great


i gto him a crate to crate train him and he will not go in it at all he actully goes to bite if we try and when he trys to go in it hes self he bites the cage :blink:

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For just about any head strong pup where I am not seeing the results I like with a choke type collar, I switch to a Smith Wonder Lead . It's kind of hard to describe but it is made of a stiff ,springy cord similar to a lariat. It fits up snug right behind pup's ears and puts pressure right there. Sensitive spot , but it releases the minute you release tension or pup quits resisting.


Kinda concerned about his aggressive outbursts though. Dunno what that's about.

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  panda said:
If hes snarling and tryin to bite give him a slap on the snout(not too hard) and a very firm NO.




i did that on friday and my dad was here and he said that was wrong said he could trun on the kids .i said no i have done it before he started being a prick saying awww leanne you let him bite your kids .i am starting to lose my conferdince with bailey as so many people are putting me down .when its me and the kids bailey is great .but once some one comes in the house he goes nutts and he is in the kitchhe with the baby gate up .once he is calm we let him out to greet the people who are in but he goes nutts again .he was fab a few weks ago now hes going back to hes old ways .even when the kids were poorly i still kept up with one to one each day

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Let me be brutally honest with you Leanne, find the dog a good permanent home with someone who has a clue because you are clearly not cut out for dogs and not all the ticket!


Get a budgie!




And I mean all this in the nicest possible way.

Edited by WILF
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  WILF said:
Let me be brutally honest with you Leanne, find the dog a good permanent home with someone who has a clue because you are clearly not cut out for dogs and not all the ticket!


Get a budgie!






just becuase i am having a few problems with bailey dont make me a failure with dogs its not like he doesnt get attantion .he is walked everymoring and evernight .fed .got a bed . goes in the garden has one on one time with me. kids stay in living room while i do this .very well looked after and cared for in good helth

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  WILF said:
Let me be brutally honest with you Leanne, find the dog a good permanent home with someone who has a clue because you are clearly not cut out for dogs and not all the ticket!


Get a budgie!






just becuase i am having a few problems with bailey dont make me a failure with dogs its not like he doesnt get attantion .he is walked everymoring and evernight .fed .got a bed . goes in the garden has one on one time with me. kids stay in living room while i do this .very well looked after and cared for in good helth

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I don't know about the collar Aarons talking about. Sounds like it would work well. This collar might work for you as well. Just be sure it's fitted right. ;) It pinches instead of choking. The dog will actually teach himself and you don't have to do any more than give a gentle tug. He may not like it at first. But, daily use will get him used to it. If you use him to hunt, he'll reconize the different collars and act accordingly.


As for the other things like jumping on you from behind. Keep him on the leash while he's out of the crate. (That way you can take him to where you want him to relieve himself.) Keep him under control at all times, he'll calm down and learn to look to you for direction instead of doing as he pleases. When he's trained on the basics to your satisfaction, you can give him some off-lead time. Until then, he needs to understand that your the boss. If he's trying to bite you. I'd uppercut him hard enough for him to see stars and toss him in the crate for a while. If that keeps up, I'd make him someone elses problem.


I hope this helps.



Edited by Mickey Finn
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wilf you missed your nich in the diplomatic core ..... though i think she needs help or a differnt type of dog.

if aa dog tried that behavior with me it would be left in no uncertain terms know who the boss was ..

i just rebandaged my terriers foot ( after it lost a toe and though uncomforable for him he never even thought about biting or being aggresive................... i wouldnt stand for it .... yis fellman


not really advice ,as there are lots of people much more able to give advice than me



yis fellman

Edited by fellman
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  Mickey Finn said:


I don't know about the collar Aarons talking about. Sounds like it would work well. This collar might work for you as well. Just be sure it's fitted right. ;) It pinches instead of choking. The dog will actually teach himself and you don't have to do any more than give a gentle tug. He may not like it at first. But, daily use will get him used to it. If you use him to hunt, he'll reconize the different collars and act accordingly.


As for the other things like jumping on you from behind. Keep him on the leash while he's out of the crate. (That way you can take him to where you want him to relieve himself.) Keep him under control at all times, he'll calm down and learn to look to you for direction instead of doing as he pleases. When he's trained on the basics to your satisfaction, you can give him some off-lead time. Until then, he needs to understand that your the boss. If he's trying to bite you. I'd uppercut him hard enough for him to see stars and toss him in the crate for a while. If that keeps up, I'd make him someone elses problem.


I hope this helps.





i have hit bailey on hes face before becuase i was making my daughter bottle and he jumped up at me and i spilt all the hot water out the kettle on my hand and if i dont say lie sumit like hiya bailey if i walk in the kitche he will growl at me .i never show that i a scared or bullied by him .and he does no what is wrong nd right just takes the piss out of me .my dad said he would help me train him but that hasnt happned he came down once and didnt come back becuase he cant be arsed

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  leannelurcher said:
  Mickey Finn said:


I don't know about the collar Aarons talking about. Sounds like it would work well. This collar might work for you as well. Just be sure it's fitted right. ;) It pinches instead of choking. The dog will actually teach himself and you don't have to do any more than give a gentle tug. He may not like it at first. But, daily use will get him used to it. If you use him to hunt, he'll reconize the different collars and act accordingly.


As for the other things like jumping on you from behind. Keep him on the leash while he's out of the crate. (That way you can take him to where you want him to relieve himself.) Keep him under control at all times, he'll calm down and learn to look to you for direction instead of doing as he pleases. When he's trained on the basics to your satisfaction, you can give him some off-lead time. Until then, he needs to understand that your the boss. If he's trying to bite you. I'd uppercut him hard enough for him to see stars and toss him in the crate for a while. If that keeps up, I'd make him someone elses problem.


I hope this helps.





i have hit bailey on hes face before becuase i was making my daughter bottle and he jumped up at me and i spilt all the hot water out the kettle on my hand and if i dont say lie sumit like hiya bailey if i walk in the kitche he will growl at me .i never show that i a scared or bullied by him .and he does no what is wrong nd right just takes the piss out of me .my dad said he would help me train him but that hasnt happned he came down once and didnt come back becuase he cant be arsed

ill advise a little now.. get rid of the dog ....if you have kids keep them away ........... it will end in disaster or heartbreak or both ............ imho.sorry yis fellman

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  Mickey Finn said:


I don't know about the collar Aarons talking about. Sounds like it would work well. This collar might work for you as well. Just be sure it's fitted right. ;) It pinches instead of choking. The dog will actually teach himself and you don't have to do any more than give a gentle tug. He may not like it at first. But, daily use will get him used to it. If you use him to hunt, he'll reconize the different collars and act accordingly.


As for the other things like jumping on you from behind. Keep him on the leash while he's out of the crate. (That way you can take him to where you want him to relieve himself.) Keep him under control at all times, he'll calm down and learn to look to you for direction instead of doing as he pleases. When he's trained on the basics to your satisfaction, you can give him some off-lead time. Until then, he needs to understand that your the boss. If he's trying to bite you. I'd uppercut him hard enough for him to see stars and toss him in the crate for a while. If that keeps up, I'd make him someone elses problem.


I hope this helps.





Hey Mickey,

The lead I was talking about is available through Lion Country Supply and was designed by Delmar Smith. Go to their web site and check it out. I prefer it over any choke or pinch collar. It's essentially just a 'piggin' string (rodeo vernacular) with leather stops. I've made a few at home off that design.

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The reason your dog's jumping up at you in the manner you discribe is because he needs more excersise, lurchers are very lively dogs, so you either run the energy out of him, or he will run the energy out of you, its not the dogs fault it has masses of energy to burn off, its bred to be that way, as for the collar, get a proper lurcher collar, that way when you pull him up he wont gag his head off ;)

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  stealthy1 said:
The reason your dog's jumping up at you in the manner you discribe is because he needs more excersise, lurchers are very lively dogs, so you either run the energy out of him, or he will run the energy out of you, its not the dogs fault it has masses of energy to burn off, its bred to be that way, as for the collar, get a proper lurcher collar, that way when you pull him up he wont gag his head off ;)



he has a propper lurcher collar and lead mate but nearly chockes his self on it .i just wish i had some one propper to help me along with him instead of people saying they will help me then dont .i no its me that is suppose to train him but i need help with him .

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