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Countryfile { Hunting Ban }

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What a load of shite. Does anybody think for 1 minute that the repeal will include the likes of the man on the street. This ban was enforced purely on the basis of the hoi-poloie shouting tally-ho and racing around in their red coats. I for 1 dont think it will ever overturned for the likes of us(lurcher and terrier men) . how much air time do the average man on the street get? none. Just carry on what you are doing but expect the usual shite coz it aint ever going to change. Unless you ride to a registered pack. atb stabba.


'noon Ning to ya Stabbs.

would just like to point out that the "hoi poloi" are the working classes mate not the upper classes. Just a small grammatical point


No offence intended.







You get my drift mate and thats what matters . atb stabba
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i dont think they will lift it as like everyone in parliment is in it for themselves not others.they will screw us for what they can get then its fcuk you jack im alright.all that will happen is more of us will end up doing time or heavy fines and banned from keeping dogs until when ever.dont trust them and im near enough on tony blairs front door and on his hunt

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Yeah I'm a bit of a pedant when it comes to these things.

However right you are about the class issue, you really should read the act with regard to hunting with dogs.

If the act is repealed (and lets not hold our breath here!) it will include all the elements of hunting with dogs. Lurchers aswell.

I'm sure it will be replaced with something far more complex which may exclude coursing foxes or more than likely a licensing programme where they can at least create a few beureaucratic jobs and generate some revenue for the gov't.

However the key issue here is the hunting with dogs element.

It is time long dog men stopped behaving like inverted snobs and get the act repealed together.

Why there has to be this divisiveness is beyond me. It's a crap act that should never have come about. It did (thanks to Tony BeLiars "leafy lane" policy) and we have to deal with it. Remove it and it removes the crime of coursing fox, hare and deer etc With any dog be it Lurcher or pure bred Shitzu!







politically pedantic ning

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Also seem to remember being said that is is very rare to get a succesfull prosecution as it is nigh on impossible to prove that the dog killed the fox on purpose, not the dogs fault if its following a blood trail and a fox bolts out of the woods, dogs give chase and kill it, nothing the huntsman can do, same would apply to lurchermen i would think ;)

its one thing to prove you used a dog to kill a fox(videos or photos) totally another to prove it was deliberate, and if its just someone making an allegation without evidence you can still be arrested but its highly unlikely for you to get prosecuted.


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Guest Rod&dog

In my veiw bringing the hunting act in to view agian will only give our sport in the way of the adverage man on the street with ferrets,lurchers or terriers more complications and possible make it very hard to work dogs on rats or rabbits or anything. In my view i couldnt care weather the 'hunting act' stays or goes beacuse at this time im happy to do what i can ands take advantage of what i can without anymore light being shined. its all there for mounted hunts , with no intrest in looking after us.

Edited by Rod&dog
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