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Countryfile { Hunting Ban }

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Of course its gunna be onesided. This is the bbc were talking about. atb stabba


I thought they gave both sides their say, if anything i thought the Anti Barrister came across as a bit of a nutter, lol....



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dont trust the tories they are all the same, lie lie lie they may overturn the ban thats running currently but if you read and listen to what they really say is that the current ban does not work and should be abolished for one that does!! all they will then do is bring in a ban that will be stricter and lead to more convictions and thus more votes! it may allow the hounds and horses to chase the odd charlie around for the spectacle, but for the most of us there will be no change! to many votes to lose! e


maybe im just a little suspicious maybe there are polititions out there who are in it for us and not for theselves and the boys!


then again i might be able to course hares with a st bernard!


The Torries will not overturn the ban They have promised a free vote in Parliament to change the law so it will up to everybody to find out what their prostective MP's opinions are on hunting before voting for them

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It was the usual BBC mainstream nonsense. Why John Craven referred to hunting as the 'hunting and killing of foxes' I'm not sure. He almost seemed to imply that with a repeal comes the reinstatement of 'fox killing' in a way that suggests 'fox killing' doesn't actually happen outside of hunting. Not a balanced portrayal in any way.


That aside, its almost certain that an elected Conservative Government will push quite hard for a fast repeal in certain aspects of the Hunting Act. It will only be selected sections though. i dont think we will ever see a return to hare coursing. the only thing we will return to is Fox Hunting. Its a firly soft way of winning back the biggest precentage of the rural vote without losing face or the townie vote.


I dont think for one minute that most of the conservative MP's give a fig about field sports but will see a vote winning opportunity.

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It was the usual BBC mainstream nonsense. Why John Craven referred to hunting as the 'hunting and killing of foxes' I'm not sure. He almost seemed to imply that with a repeal comes the reinstatement of 'fox killing' in a way that suggests 'fox killing' doesn't actually happen outside of hunting. Not a balanced portrayal in any way.


That aside, its almost certain that an elected Conservative Government will push quite hard for a fast repeal in certain aspects of the Hunting Act. It will only be selected sections though. i dont think we will ever see a return to hare coursing. the only thing we will return to is Fox Hunting. Its a firly soft way of winning back the biggest precentage of the rural vote without losing face or the townie vote.


I dont think for one minute that most of the conservative MP's give a fig about field sports but will see a vote winning opportunity.


excactly!!! the laws may change but it wont make a blind bit of difference to the majorityof us! there will be no legal hare coursing they will prob say foxs can only be taken by dogs during the day! that way their mates get their hunting the antis get a compromise and we boys who work daytime and hunt by night get shafted again! too much bad press over lamping round here at the min and not all unfounded knobheads poaching deer out of back of trucks and leaving body there in the midddle of a field! but theres good and bad in all walks of life! ni just truly believe whichever goverment is shaftin this country after the next election we will still be sat here lookin at "shot and retrieved" pictures on this forum! cos they will be knack all difference in the way we are allowed to hunt!


pessamistic jonny!!!lol

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Why is it that in programmes like this or in the national newspaper its only hunting with hounds that get mentioned? Is there any organisation that is fighting for the lurcher and terrier boys?

:wallbash: go have a read up on what got banned in the hunting act!!! if it gets repealed then fingers crossed the other forms of dog work will again be aloud, we are or should be as one, i wish folk would look at the bigger picture

Edited by alimac
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Why is it that in programmes like this or in the national newspaper its only hunting with hounds that get mentioned? Is there any organisation that is fighting for the lurcher and terrier boys?

:wallbash: go have a read up on what got banned in the hunting act!!! if it gets repealed then fingers crossed the other forms of dog work will again be aloud, we are or should be as one, i wish folk would look at the bigger picture


i think you misunderstood me alimac. either that or i'm misunderstanding you here. :wallbash::icon_eek:

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Why is it that in programmes like this or in the national newspaper its only hunting with hounds that get mentioned? Is there any organisation that is fighting for the lurcher and terrier boys?

:wallbash: go have a read up on what got banned in the hunting act!!! if it gets repealed then fingers crossed the other forms of dog work will again be aloud, we are or should be as one, i wish folk would look at the bigger picture


i think you misunderstood me alimac. either that or i'm misunderstanding you here. :wallbash::icon_eek:


who knows, were fighting to over turn the ban as a whole, terriermen houndsman lurchers boys, when it gets over turned we should see it once again legal to take our dogs out for some sport, which ever type it may be..

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What a load of shite. Does anybody think for 1 minute that the repeal will include the likes of the man on the street. This ban was enforced purely on the basis of the hoi-poloie shouting tally-ho and racing around in their red coats. I for 1 dont think it will ever overturned for the likes of us(lurcher and terrier men) . how much air time do the average man on the street get? none. Just carry on what you are doing but expect the usual shite coz it aint ever going to change. Unless you ride to a registered pack. atb stabba.

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What a load of shite. Does anybody think for 1 minute that the repeal will include the likes of the man on the street. This ban was enforced purely on the basis of the hoi-poloie shouting tally-ho and racing around in their red coats. I for 1 dont think it will ever overturned for the likes of us(lurcher and terrier men) . how much air time do the average man on the street get? none. Just carry on what you are doing but expect the usual shite coz it aint ever going to change. Unless you ride to a registered pack. atb stabba.


'noon Ning to ya Stabbs.

would just like to point out that the "hoi poloi" are the working classes mate not the upper classes. Just a small grammatical point


No offence intended.







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