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Sick gill

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Update No3

Took her to the vets last night. Got a right result...........no charge for the "consultation"!

however vet couldn't really add any more to what most have said on here.

She is old. The fact that she has started to perk up may suggets that she just needs a bit more help with her feeding/diet. smaller sized morsels.

Mustn't go over the top with the sugary stuff tho'. it could just be that her internal organs are not functioning as well as they should. He didn't discount a "virus" but said it was unlikely that she would have recovered so quick. Her teeth were ok but he said that they maybe sore and that is why she struggled with her food. So softer food is on the menu.

This morning she was very "chipper" but still quite thin. I have also been warned that she may continue to have problems because of her age. ......comes to us all I guess.

Anyway i know I've said it before but thanks to all who offerred advice. it would appear that you were all right!








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Nice to see some folk make a lot of effort with there ferrets good on you mate


yes it does so do i with mine lots dont they see them as something like a machine use it bin it get a new one. well they are living things at the end of the day they give you all they can so lets give it them back

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Glad she pulled through Swamps,let's hope she's on the mend,yes we all get a lump in our throats,i took a hob to vet a few months back hadn't had him long myself,but he had a large tumour on top his head,to cut a long story short it was better to put him to sleep(i guess brain surgery is not advanced with ferts and too costly!)anyway i felt my eyes beginning to well up as i watched the lethal jab being delivered,the poor thing never complained and i was suprised at myself for feeling soft,must be an age thing or reflecting emotions thinking back,hope she gets well anyway.


what are ferts ,

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i was suprised at myself for feeling soft,must be an age thing or reflecting emotions


There's nothing 'soft' about caring for your ferts mate...........quite the opposite, in fact. There're far too many on here who seem to think their ferts are machines, to be used & abused as they see fit because they're too stupid & thoughtless to appreciate that you only get the best out of anything by treating it with respect & consideration................

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I was warned!

Scarlett my lads gill died this morning.

She was put in her box last night after eating a very wholesome soup ( recipe courtesy of someone on here)

She has been very lively the last few days even tormenting her sons in the next cage by climbing all over it.

However at about six this AM I found her curled up in her box. never to awake again.

At eight+ she has served us well and ironically the only time I'll have to dig for her will be tonight when I bury her.

Thanks for all your help with tips and the like.






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No disrespect to anyone at all. But its 21.29 and i'm not dragging a vet out at their call out fees for a ferret. I love her , best damn worker I've had and its Sunday tomorrow. So interim help would be good please.I have thought of the vet thing. I'm not THAT tick!

So sensible temporary measures iff known would be cool









call out fees are 30 quid mate is she worth it wel by now you should no how is she

Might be £30 quid in wales mate!

My lad bought her about 7yrs back off a lad in the village. he reckons she was about a year old then........

Are we quibbling here?

Asked for a wee bit of advice and help and got some.......from gen peeps.








Ninging as a nurse


how is she swamps not heard for you . i was not saying anythong bad about the vets and that but there is no one on here that can tell you what is wrong with her mate only say what they think thats all

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My gill hasn't eaten for the last 36 hrs

She's shaking and not interested in food at al.

She'll take "ferretone" and a little water but she's not looking good.

Any help greatfully recieved.







Not ninging due to illness


i had to call vet out to my cocker bitch the other week sunday to she was there 3 days injections the lot only come to 85 quid.

they are not as bad as we think some times

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