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Fashions in lurchers?

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Now here's one that should start tongues a-wagging (positively, I hope...)


How much would you say that lurcher lines are influenced by fashion? If, for instance, you have a look at Ted Walsh's Lurchers and Longdogs, which was first published in 1977, then you'd get the impression that anything heavily built wasn't the way forward, that a colliexgh backcrossed to a pure greyhound was the ideal lurcher for biddability, speed and power, and that anything much heavier was over-cloddy.


This afternoon, by contrast, at the local hunt's lurcher show, saw anything without bulldog blood on a hiding to nothing. Now I'm not anti-bull by any means, and it may have been one particular judge's tastes rather than wider-spread fashion. What do people reckon? Are we moving away from an obsession with racing, and over-quick dogs bred for speed rather than cornering ability, or are lurcher people suffering the same muscles obsession as people going down to the gym too often? Is it a fashion thing, or is it just an individual taste?


And yes, it's supposed to be a talking point, but not the beginning of a slanging-match :D God knows there's room for us all - just wondered what folk's experiences were across the country...


Have a grand season one and all,



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Fashion would only apply in the show ring R&D, I imagine people who actually hunt will keep whichever cross suits their purpose. For example I keep saluki crosses because I hunt hares.......someone who concentrates on foxes is more likely to keep bull or wheaten crosses etc.

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The bull thing is hopefully a fashion thing -there has been an upsurge in muscled dogs for the show ring and these seem to be winning .When the fashion is over ,and it will end ,then the boys that work these dogs can get on without being pestered for pups .Rough coats turn next I feel . :cry:

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Guest nitevision

its each to their own surely,i didnt get any of my dogs to follow any fashion or trend,i got them in the hope that the way they are bred would mean they should do what i wanted,wich was rabbits, :11:

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If bull x's are just a fashion then its been a long one, fashinable for longer than the mini skirt :rolleyes:


ziggy1 Posted Today, 08:18 PM

I know a friend with a bull X greyhound 5/8 i think. It just smashes rabbits and they are not even good for eating. So what is the point foxes thats all they are good for.

Your lack of knowledge about bull x's shines through ;)


Its funny how many people still to this day think lurchers are the hairy ones (their words) people will ask if Khan is a greyhound when i say, no a lurcher they all say "are they not supposed to be hairy?" And you end up stuck explaining long dogs lurchers etc.


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Guest moomin300uk
why do people think that you NEED a bull x for foxes?


Prue-ban, of course, i have seen Burlington whippets take foxes single handed and make good of them :good:


How many bed whips can take 4 foxes plus single handed in a night and kill with in seconds?? Many dogs will take a fox in a fasion but can they do it over and over and do it well?? Not putting anyones dogs down but i think bull x is the fox king I have seen deerhound xs take fox but think the bull x dose it with ease... Plus this is depending on the dog how it been brought on by the owner because bull xs will spit a fox too..

the shows i have been to this year have been swamped with bull xs the lads i know have bull xs And they are all monsters but they take the lot...

I prefer Racy collie types or sulkis but like night vision said its each to there own some lads would not kennel my dog and i would not have theres just what if takes your fancy every tool has its job...

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Yes the bull cross greyhound is the height of fashion at the moment and there are some good examples about but to call it the fox king has got to be a bit over rated. Most fashionable would be a better title. A good fox dog should be able to catch its game before it turns and grab a vital area(head, neck or shoulders ), and have the fox dead before it pulls up and not receive a single bite from its quarry. Have not seen many bull greyhounds that could kill quickly tending to grab the first thing they can get hold of and they lack the pace to get onto their game early. Other than that it is a nice looking animal.

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bullys are definately the fashionable dog right now, but all the same, alot of them are great dogs - im considering one, but to say any bullx is foxing king is wrong! :11: my old deerhoundx i though was foxing king - have taken 3 in a night, but i know other dogs ae better. i personally dont give a shit how many people have got one, i need a dog that can do as i ask.



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i think what was meant by fox king was that on average less bull x 's will jack on foxes........i think there are the genuine dogmen who just love dogs and getting out there every night and there are people who like dogs who go out once a week or once a month.........these are the people i think who hear on the grapevine that bullx's take fox and don't want to put work in entering they just want kills so they follow the fashion and ther will always be people who will breed for the demand of a type rather than working ability............i see the wheatonx's being the next fashion trend!!!


but the real workers have a dog cos it can do a job and they'll get a worker no matter breed type!

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Another slag the Bullx thread :11:


Some may have them as a ego booster or fashion accesory but a lot of lads have them because they get the job done.

I dont know when Bullxs were in or out of fashion but a lot of the lads I know who take terrier work seriously have always had Bull blooded lurchers.

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