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Guest big e

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as said................. if a dog is running on land weather it be a pup or an old dog and with or without permission NOBODY in England out side the poilice force has the right to shoot it unless it is in the progress of worrying SHEEP regardless of wether he is a huntsman,farmer or the duke off edinburgh for that matter.

Shooting a dog that is not in the progress of worrying SHEEP ( no other animal ) is a very serious offence and anyone caught doing it would be doing very well to keep his firearms cert providing that the complainant takes it high enough.

The law definately covers ALL livestock not just sheep, 100% on that mate..... this even includes pheasants in the release pens. But your points are very true.

Regards DnN

From what I can gather from reading on here for the past 2 years, sometimes the problem is that police forces themselves often don't understand the laws properly.. :yes:

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Best thing i can say is watch what you doing be resonable cos if you go in all guns blazing he has a reson to shoot the dog or to give you a good kickin so if you talk like you would to any other person then he may be resonable and just tell you to stop off the land but if you get a cocky keeper just watch what your saying and keep your cool



thats all i can say as ive never been aproached by a keeper or farmer


ALB wolly

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as said................. if a dog is running on land weather it be a pup or an old dog and with or without permission NOBODY in England out side the poilice force has the right to shoot it unless it is in the progress of worrying SHEEP regardless of wether he is a huntsman,farmer or the duke off edinburgh for that matter.

Shooting a dog that is not in the progress of worrying SHEEP ( no other animal ) is a very serious offence and anyone caught doing it would be doing very well to keep his firearms cert providing that the complainant takes it high enough.

The law definately covers ALL livestock not just sheep, 100% on that mate..... this even includes pheasants in the release pens. But your points are very true.

Regards DnN


Spot on there DnN, definitely covers pheasants, i have first hand experience of this :( (some years ago now but law hasn't changed). Not nice to see :sick: but definitely legal to shoot a dog killing pheasants in a pen.

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Hi folks was out the other day ferreting with the lurchers ,when i came across some boys with terriers and hounds they were shooting foxes got talking to them and they warned me that some hounds men had shot 6 lurchers over the last few weeks dont no if they were bullsitting or not maybe just to put the frightners up me but cant understand why they would do that how the f**k would they like it if us lurcher men started to shoot theyre hounds,something that i personaly wouldnt do as i have respect for all working dogs and quarry.got me puzzled?

hi mate am from belfast to would you tell me ware they ware shot .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had dogs shot at and had a farmer shoot at me and my mate , believe me when someone levels a gun at you and means it , it is one of, if not the most scariest thing in the world, he missed luckily but shot one of his own sheep behind me lol.

I was poaching at the time daytime for hares(long long time ago)and i went through all the revenge ideas as you do , but as we got caught by the police and charged ,but then when we told our side of the story magically it all got dropped(dont know what happened to him but i know he lost his fac cert)decided to leave it.

Now 20 odd years on, i am on the other side of the fence, i am very fortunate to have some good permission,stick to it, more or less :icon_redface: ,but the farms i go on get hit terribly with the 4x4 brigade, all summer, non stop, gates left open, cows through walls and fences, sheep scattered, aborting all over the place, and the farmers go mental(i sometimes expect to get kicked off as they will of had enough)keepers try their best but its non stop, now it doesnt bother me to be honest as its a house made of glass i live in and im not going to start throwing stones, but i can see why dogs get shot, you personally might be ok, and a good lad, but unfortunatly if you are the 200th person seen and the one caught all the anger and frustration will be taken out on you, not fair ofcourse, but life aint fair, and poaching is a risky business, along with fines and possible dog bans and even now jail time its all part of the game, we accepted this, along with the odd black eye or tyre slashed, when we done it, but times have changed now, and it seems more and more like action first questions later, it might be a fear thing or a frustration thing im not sure but its a helava lot worse than when i was a boy, all the best Nellie, oh p.s. get orf my land.

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i agree , the cowboys make the whole situation a hundred times worse. .and cowboys is what they are. I have always stepped lightly on the land and tried to use stealth at all times , i even carry 3in1 to stop gates squeaking. In 27 years i have never never seen a farmer a keeper oldbill or anyone when ive been out deering. All the posts about "weve got to get in and get out quick" if you never left any sign that you had been on the land and only picked off 5or10 from the herd, noone would be looking for you ,noone. What about the guy walking up taking 1or2 driving somewhere else and parking up ,walking up again. Taking care ,being a genuine countryman , then pops back a week later not knowing that in the meantime , the cowboys have had the fences down churned up fields of crops and left a couple of butchered mangled deer behind. If everyone behaved responsibly and respected the land ,theres not a farmer in the country who d be out with a gun ,cause they would never never know anyone had been on the land

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:clapper: Sensible words Flint...


And,.you are quite right about other folk queering your pitch...


I don't kill the deer these days,...although I do have a new pup,..and she is off a real handy bitch,.so,..who knows how things will pan out... :whistling:


But,.when I was active at the game,..I can relate to your words,..coz we went from owning the night,..and genuinely having it off,.no probs or hassle from anyone,.easy fecking peasy,.to,.walking into some real heavy shit....

All caused by fools who simply wanted to catch a deer, with no thought of the consequences,.. or for the future ... :no:

Obviously,..we wanted a return ticket,.but it became far too dangerous, coz the Keepers were now onto us...we packed in poaching,.coz of poacher's... :laugh:


Black windy night tonight,...but no partners left,..all gone,..finito... :no:


All the best,...CHALKWARREN... :drink:

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the thing is keepers are trigger happy c**ts



most of them shoot everything what moves



owls kites busARDS everything alot of them have to shoot hares to stop there fields beingf torn up fences cut gates put through




keepers just dont like people who run dogs i cant blame them ..its pricks who tear up fields leave dead stuff break fences which have ruined it




because of them thousands of hares are being shot deer




its f*****g riduculous at they end of the day if your poaching theres f**k all you can do about it its shame really but its c**ts with bolt cutters what have done it

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