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Anyone ever hunted a strange rabbit on their patch? I have one on my patch, looks like thumper from the Disney film Bambi. White underneath, white tail, fawn in colour, I saw it dive into some brambles a while back, now that the foliage has died back a bit, I'm off to ferret it tomorow to see if its in there, dont hold much hope, but you never know?

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I got a field full of Multi coloured rabbits... I mean really some pets must have escaped and bred with the wild ones theres Jet Black, Fawn and red, all White and White with all sorts of patches its hilarious!! UNFORTUNATELY its right by a road and public land so doubt the law would be too happy with me rocking up and lamping them all!!! Would be funny as hell taking them to the butchers though!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with Thumper! haha.....

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I got a field full of Multi coloured rabbits... I mean really some pets must have escaped and bred with the wild ones theres Jet Black, Fawn and red, all White and White with all sorts of patches its hilarious!! UNFORTUNATELY its right by a road and public land so doubt the law would be too happy with me rocking up and lamping them all!!! Would be funny as hell taking them to the butchers though!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with Thumper! haha.....


I would like to see the pix from a ferreting session on there, get it done, and get it posted :laugh:

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I got a field full of Multi coloured rabbits... I mean really some pets must have escaped and bred with the wild ones theres Jet Black, Fawn and red, all White and White with all sorts of patches its hilarious!! UNFORTUNATELY its right by a road and public land so doubt the law would be too happy with me rocking up and lamping them all!!! Would be funny as hell taking them to the butchers though!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with Thumper! haha.....


I would like to see the pix from a ferreting session on there, get it done, and get it posted :laugh:

so would i theyd think yuove done all the kids pets over lol

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I got a field full of Multi coloured rabbits... I mean really some pets must have escaped and bred with the wild ones theres Jet Black, Fawn and red, all White and White with all sorts of patches its hilarious!! UNFORTUNATELY its right by a road and public land so doubt the law would be too happy with me rocking up and lamping them all!!! Would be funny as hell taking them to the butchers though!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with Thumper! haha.....


I would like to see the pix from a ferreting session on there, get it done, and get it posted :laugh:

so would i theyd think yuove done all the kids pets over lol


If they lived next door to me, then they would be ferret food, if they were in my garden, ferret food before the kids have built a hutch :D

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got some black ones on one of mine but i want to shoot them more of a hunter thing lol

soon as i pull up the black ones shoot off the other ones dont funny that but i will get them ,then i shall make a hat out of the fur lol



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have seen some strange colours on my permisions as well, there is an article in the CMW about various coloured bunnies,maybe we could start a list of different colours & where they was caught ? intersting to see how many abandoned pet bunnies have bred with wild ones , regards john

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ive got some black 1s on 2 of my different permisions me and me mate have had acrack at these with the ol 22's must be the colour blending in with the night coz both of us have missed on a couple of ocasions then gone on and shot the normal colour straight afterwards that or they are bullet proof bunny's.!!!

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one permission i go to we have a few strange coloured rabbits turn up now and then . Someone has said that some old boy who lived near it used to release tame rabbits into the area to make the wild ones bigger so he could harvest them for the pot.

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genetic mutations will occur every now and again but they seem to be the kind of colours which come from released rabbits.

i have one ( sticks out like a sore thumb as he is white,bold as brass sitting on a stubble field) which looks otherwise like a hare. i'm trying to get close enough to see if it has red eyes( i wouldn't like to shoot a genuine albino without taking a photo of it alive :icon_redface: )

not that it would taste any different i guess.

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