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out for ducks tonight

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hi guys was out for ducks tonight and what a good nite it was to. only got 4 but there was a load of ducks around and hitting another pond on my permission.

we jus stayed at the 1st pond though as there was a few coming into it to. was pretty chuffed as i was wanting a duck to see what the pup would be like with it (she was very interested)

the 1st ducks that came in there was 6 and boom boom i dropped a pair of mallards. gave the gun to my mate he got one the next flight that came in.

my other mate was down abit he got a pair to. so all in all a good nite. out again tomowrrow to another pond so will post you with the result.

(oh please excuse the feet and trainers:)) was soaking)

cheers sean



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you dont introduc her tae game till shes learnt obedience n commands. am just goin with what a got told with the guy that taught me how to train dogs. your bettter keeping her away from all that. ano we dont talk any more but let me know if you need a hand with anything.

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