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what would happen

Guest jimmytwodugs

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Guest jimmytwodugs

i go lamping and ferreting in certain places i`m not supposed to be, say i got

caught what is the worst that can happen? i don`t go on estates or anything

like that, mostly common ground and it`s just rabbits i`m after unless something

else pops up

cheers twodugs

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Guest The Shaman
i go lamping and ferreting in certain places i`m not supposed to be, say i got

caught what is the worst that can happen? i don`t go on estates or anything

like that, mostly common ground and it`s just rabbits i`m after unless something

else pops up

cheers twodugs



Armed Trespass springs to mind :11:

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Guest jimmytwodugs

i go lamping and ferreting in certain places i`m not supposed to be, say i got

caught what is the worst that can happen? i don`t go on estates or anything

like that, mostly common ground and it`s just rabbits i`m after unless something

else pops up

cheers twodugs



Armed Trespass springs to mind :11:


armed with a dog and ferret is this for real your at it aint you

Edited by jimmytwodugs
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IN my opinion, if you was rabbiting common ground, you would not be bothered by anyone unless you were shooting.


I used to take my airgun out on lots of common ground, I never had a problem. Since the Dunblane murders, having a gun of any sorts in public, just leads to bother. I mean FFS, my mate had armed responce to him because his shooting partner was spotted at the side of the road, zeroing in his sights. Oh yeah, the spotter was an off duty plod :realmad: My arse twitches at the very thought of going shooting on land I don't have permish on, but before Dunblane, I poached the Queen's land weekly.

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Guest jimmytwodugs
IN my opinion, if you was rabbiting common ground, you would not be bothered by anyone unless you were shooting.


I used to take my airgun out on lots of common ground, I never had a problem. Since the Dunblane murders, having a gun of any sorts in public, just leads to bother. I mean FFS, my mate had armed responce to him because his shooting partner was spotted at the side of the road, zeroing in his sights. Oh yeah, the spotter was an off duty plod :realmad: My arse twitches at the very thought of going shooting on land I don't have permish on, but before Dunblane, I poached the Queen's land weekly.


i don`t do any shooting just running my dog and the ferrets, i thought i was going to get

a pull by the plod the other night when i was out, basiclly i was just going to tell them

the truth i was out catching rabbits to feed my ferrets, its just nice to know where you stand

with these new laws, its the only thing i could think of at the time.


Edited by jimmytwodugs
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IN my opinion, if you was rabbiting common ground, you would not be bothered by anyone unless you were shooting.


I used to take my airgun out on lots of common ground, I never had a problem. Since the Dunblane murders, having a gun of any sorts in public, just leads to bother. I mean FFS, my mate had armed responce to him because his shooting partner was spotted at the side of the road, zeroing in his sights. Oh yeah, the spotter was an off duty plod :realmad: My arse twitches at the very thought of going shooting on land I don't have permish on, but before Dunblane, I poached the Queen's land weekly.


i don`t do any shooting just running my dog and the ferrets, i thought i was going to get

a pull by the plod the other night when i was out, basiclly i was just going to tell them

the truth i was out catching rabbits to feed my ferrets, its just nice to know where you stand

with these new laws, its the only thing i could think of at the time.



if you tell them that then there just going to say to you ! AH WELL WE ARE JUST GOING TO CHARGE YOU WITH HUNTING WILD GAME WITHOUT THE LAND OWNERS PERMISH , or some other charge along them lines , if they cach you you say nout only tell them your name and adress , at the most tell them your just out walking your dogs and you took the ferrets out for a runaround to , they have to prove that you are using them in the persuite of quarry so dont prove it for them keep yer mouth shut and act dumb but not dumb enough to admit comitting a crime ;) there is no such thing as a boot up the hole and told not to do it again from these new age cops , all these basterds are intrested in is numbers of arests .

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Guest jimmytwodugs

if you tell them that then there just going to say to you ! AH WELL WE ARE JUST GOING TO CHARGE YOU WITH HUNTING WILD GAME WITHOUT THE LAND OWNERS PERMISH , or some other charge along them lines , if they cach you you say nout only tell them your name and adress , at the most tell them your just out walking your dogs and you took the ferrets out for a runaround to , they have to prove that you are using them in the persuite of quarry so dont prove it for them keep yer mouth shut and act dumb but not dumb enough to admit comitting a crime ;) there is no such thing as a boot up the hole and told not to do it again from these new age cops , all these basterds are intrested in is numbers of arests .


how can they charge me for hunting wild game when rabbits are classed as vermin?, i think the most they

can do is charge me with trespassing or something along those lines. :whistle:

Edited by jimmytwodugs
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Guest jimmytwodugs
if you got caught and proved guilty, theres a fine to consider, a driving ban and car conferscated, thats the top and bottom of it mate theres also a possibility your dogs will taken from you too

i hope this is helpfull to you :yes:


dont drive, dont have a car, just the dog to think about cause i`m dam sure i wont pay some stupid


cheers mate

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Section 1 of this Act established the offence of trespassing on land in search of 'game' (hares, pheasants, partridges, grouse, heath or moor game, black game, and bustards and also rabbits, woodcocks, snipes and wild ducks). Anyone failing to quit land on the request of the owner or his servant can be arrested by that person, but must then be brought before a Sheriff

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There are a number of laws they can and will do you for.

If your caught your dogs and ferrets can be confiscated and at some stage in the future destroyed.

Dont get caught is the only way to get away with it.

You are playing big boys games and I am afraid you have to play by the big boys rules.

It does seem unjust for your dog to be put to sleep just for the sake of a few rabbits but that is the life style you have chosen.

You personaly will face large fines and maybe imprisonment but for your animals its a death sentence.

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I far as i know trespass is not a criminal offence, so in theory you can walk into anybodys house, sit and watch tv and that is not breaking any criminal laws.

So if you caught by the police on land without permission then as long as your not carrying rabbits or any other game then you can not be arrested.

Unless of course you want to stand there and tell the police what your doing!

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