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THE EVENT : how raciest are you .

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I think its good! Keep watching it people, Im not saying I agree with it 100% or even 1% I think as a country we have rolled over and died with regards to rascism and human rights and all that bollocks, we need to get real and take things back to basics if you comit a crime you lose any rights you had any colour black white green yellow all the same, you cant even say ''paki shop'' any more without being arrested for racially agravated insult or whatever they do you with!! it takes the preverbial, but anyway the day will come when people of the UK will have to stand together and fight for there right to live. I truly believe that the 3rd world war is coming and the world as we know it will cease to exist. It will be a world war again created by religion, Probably Islam V's Christianty the Last crusade maybe?? People need to wake up and realise whats going on around them instead of being gromed by politicians or not even voting at all anyway people keep it real!! and good luck! I for one am ready.......

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  Tallyho said:
i dont think the old bag had it planed out quite like this ha ha its all falling apart for her .

what an absolute load of bollocks! she was making out all the white people were racist when they wernt, the country is falling apart because of silly old c**ts like her stiring up trouble!

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Why is white the only colour deemed to be capable of racism, and if every white person died tomorow, who would the darker persuasions go onto argue with next? All I can say is, no matter what your colour or your beliefs, if you dont like it here, then f**koff and leave those that do in peace.

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this country has gone to the dogs,theres to many do-gooders and pc twats,ffs they even took the gollywog off the robinsons jars :icon_eek: it makes my piss boil,its ok to have a black policemans association and the fecking mobo music award :censored: there would be fecking uproar if we introduced a mowo awards :censored:

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  craigyboy said:
this country has gone to the dogs,theres to many do-gooders and pc twats,ffs they even took the gollywog off the robinsons jars :icon_eek: it makes my piss boil,its ok to have a black policemans association and the fecking mobo music award :censored: there would be fecking uproar if we introduced a mowo awards :censored:

Spot on that craigy. more examples are the TV channels OBE and BEN both of them are black only TV channels. If we did that there would be uproar. :thumbdown:

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its one rule for them and another for us...and in our own country aswell :censored:

there was a swimming baths not far from me and the council allowed an asian only swim day :wallbash: ffs can you imagine them having a white only day...jesus it would of been on question time,suffice to say the swimming baths are now closed down....i guess nobody wanted to go in after all them pakis :clapper:

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It's just people like her that make out there is a problem when there isn't one.


The black woman was saying that the racism is subtle in this country and said that its things like a cashier serving a white family stood behind her in a queue. Now I'd say that is an act of blatant racism if it were true! there's nothing subtle about that IMO what so ever. But how often does she encounter not being served in a queue? and even if she has been missed out, then how often is that down to racism? it's happened to me before, so why should she feel that its down to racism?


She probably had a suspicion that it could be something to do with her colour, but with this stupid old bag feeding the flames she now thinks there's no possible way it could of been anything other than racism why she was missed out being served!


That idiotic old lady hasn't got a clue about British society and trying to apply the methods she needed to use in the USA to dampen racism over there back in the 60's are not needed over here, as Britain in 2009 is a completely different world to the America she grew up in and lived in.


All she's done is cause trouble, and to say that all us whites are inherently racist was probably the most disgraceful thing I've ever heard anyone say on TV before.


That programme was a complete no show.

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