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Staff x Collie-Whippet?

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Guest tazdastokmaker

well sal i can say is i have a staffy x whippet i got from the cat and dog center at 8 months and she is better than anay outher dog i have sene for a while i have a gray slauki as wel but the staffy x is better on the foxes and the rabbits at a longish range

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well sal i can say is i have a staffy x whippet i got from the cat and dog center at 8 months and she is better than anay outher dog i have sene for a while i have a gray slauki as wel but the staffy x is better on the foxes and the rabbits at a longish range


is that the one you showed me a pic of looks an ok dog, built like a brick shit house thougth. how does it compare speed wise to other dogs ?

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Guest tazdastokmaker

well sal i can say is i have a staffy x whippet i got from the cat and dog center at 8 months and she is better than anay outher dog i have sene for a while i have a gray slauki as wel but the staffy x is better on the foxes and the rabbits at a longish range


is that the one you showed me a pic of looks an ok dog, built like a brick shit house thougth. how does it compare speed wise to other dogs ?

yes it is she isant the fastest ever but aver a distance she is better than sprintin for some resion she ust to hair corse but not now she dosent work that mutch now she is 7 and stands at 19 inches she has taken a copple of deer and a lot of foxes and bunnies but she isant the best on bunnies hir best quorry is foxes by far hears 2 piks of hir


ps she isant at hir fittest in these piks :icon_redface:


well sal i can say is i have a staffy x whippet i got from the cat and dog center at 8 months and she is better than anay outher dog i have sene for a while i have a gray slauki as wel but the staffy x is better on the foxes and the rabbits at a longish range


is that the one you showed me a pic of looks an ok dog, built like a brick shit house thougth. how does it compare speed wise to other dogs ?

yes it is she isant the fastest ever but aver a distance she is better than sprintin for some resion she ust to hair corse but not now she dosent work that mutch now she is 7 and stands at 19 inches she has taken a copple of deer and a lot of foxes and bunnies but she isant the best on bunnies hir best quorry is foxes by far hears 2 piks of hir


ps she isant at hir fittest in these piks :icon_redface:


well sal i can say is i have a staffy x whippet i got from the cat and dog center at 8 months and she is better than anay outher dog i have sene for a while i have a gray slauki as wel but the staffy x is better on the foxes and the rabbits at a longish range


is that the one you showed me a pic of looks an ok dog, built like a brick shit house thougth. how does it compare speed wise to other dogs ?

yes it is she isant the fastest ever but aver a distance she is better than sprintin for some resion she ust to hair corse but not now she dosent work that mutch now she is 7 and stands at 19 inches she has taken a copple of deer and a lot of foxes and bunnies but she isant the best on bunnies hir best quorry is foxes by sorry the piks r to big a file for hear :icon_redface:

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