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Lased 57 metre maggie 28/10/09


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Hi guys,


I just thought that id share this shot with you that i made today with the R10.


It was a bit naughty i know but i couldnt resist it and there were massive open fields behind the house which belongs to a pal and he is happy with me shooting on his property, before the ballistics lawyers on here start sending me PM's moaning and preaching to me about safe shooting.



Anyway i looked out the patio window this morning before work and spotted this maggie gobbing it on my mates roof. My youngest lad said dad shoot it and ill film for you.


I looked and said its too far son. He picked up the camera and did his usual thing and say im on it dad.

That was too much for me so i slipped out the GunTuff LRF and found the shot to be a 57 metre one. Then came out the R10 :whistling:


4.5 mil dots hold over was my estimation.


The camera was set at full magnification which was x16 mag. Hence the wobbly footage taken by a 8 year old.


Watch the footage for the verdict





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