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If anyone out there clued up on these things my laptop has a fine red line running down through it which can come and go depending on the angle of the screen. Is this the first sign of a big problem. Is it easily fixed. Or is it something I can just put up with and nothing to worry about.


Cheers for looking :)

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If it was scattered, I'd say it was dead pixels. If it went off and on if you moved the screen/lid around, it'd be a loose cable to the internal screen itself. But since it's a permanent line it sounds like there's been some damage to it, or a weight put on it or something. :( The fact it disappears at different viewing angles doesn't mean much, as TN panels (the ones in the majority of laptops and TFTs today) have limited viewing angles anyway. Worst case scenario is you need a new screen (the internal thing, not a whole new lid). Depending on the age of it and the model (common v rare) a new one will set you back about £60 on ebay, and you can chuck £20 to a local independent PC repair shop to fit it for you. Make sure you buy a screen designed for your particular laptop (get it in writing on the listing or from the seller via an ebay message), and make sure you buy from a reputable company (100% feedback and a registered UK trading address) just in case.


You can safely ignore it in the meantime, it won't blow up or owt :tongue2:

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Thanks a lot Rainmaker, It does go off and on when i move the screen around, that was just badly worded by me. Is this likely something that will get worse over time. Its around 2yr old already and wasnt top of the range when new

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Ah, my bad. I thought you meant at different angles (as in, your position in relation to the screen) rather than the angle of the lid itself. In that case it's probably a loose cable, the one that connects the LCD screen to the motherboard. My sister's laptop developed the same thing recently, and it's only a few months old. Wasn't worth sending off for repair, I just told her to take it to a PC shop to have the cable reseated. There's still a slight chance there's another issue, but I doubt it else the line wouldn't come and go when you wobble the screen/lid about. Loose cable is a perfect fit for the symptoms.


£20 at a local independent shop sounds about right, but it will vary depending on the shop, area etc. Just don't, for the love of god, take it to PC World, Currys or another big name. They'll want £100 just to open the lid and turn it on! The Yellow Pages is your friend here, ring around for quotes. It's hard to say whether it'll get any worse. It depends on the way the manufacturer put the machine together (i.e. is there room for the cable to become looser, does your using the screen involve the cable moving around a lot or is it hard wired etc). It either will, or it won't - it's impossible to say, sorry. :)

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