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down the farm


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hi every one

me and chaz went lamping this evening,to one of are nearest permissions about 5 minutes away.once we got there i had a quick look around and there must of been about 10 bunnys in the front field,and what i could see at the back were about 5 bunnys.chaz went to the front field and i went to the back of the house via the front garden,as i was walking through i gave a flash of the lamp and spotted one.shouldered the HW 100K and another flick but nothing there :censored:


so slowly on wards i went and i came to the back garden via through a hedge,quick flick and there was one about 15yds in front of me ,ears down and squatting. me tinks! it tinks i cant see it cross on mildot over THWACK! over it went.that reminds me i must put me iluminated scope back on me HW100K as i find it difficult with out it lamping,so i pissed it off and put it in me game pouch.nothing happend here for a while so went for a walk about.


i went into the front field and headed north to the telegraph pole and sat up against it for an hour and nothing.then i had a flick to my right and one was out about 30yds,this time i waited about 10 minutes before i put the lamp on it again.

THWACK!! another in me pouch. then i made my way towards the road and clocked another by the hedge THWACK!!! went to pick it up and nothing there :censored: this happend another time during the evening :censored: but as i went over to disover that i couldnt find it .i seen charlie {well what i thought was charlie} walking along the hedge row,so i didnt bother him i just let him get on with it.now this is the freaky!!! part then i see a lamp from where i knew chaz had sterted lamping, so i was straight on the radio and said " are you still by the water troff" his reply was yes!! i havent moved! so i put my torch on where i see this person walikng a long the hedge row and nothing,well this made all the hairs on the back of my neck!! stand up.and thought who the feck is that!! i made my way over to chaz and we began a search of the property but nothing was found,now this is the second time i have been spooked here

maybe its the old mans gohst who died there recently! sio i gutted the rabbits and we left.

you know when ya get spooked you just cant relax! and theres me a 46 yr old male getting spooked mmmmrrrgggghhhhh


any way we had a good couple of hours i shot 4 but picked up 2 and chaz blanked apart from his one that he couldnt get to

here is a pic




happy hunting



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You want ghosts?

Come have a go with me on the night at mine.

The lamp reflects of some of the highly polished headstones and its like theres a door with a light behind them going down into the graves :shock: Gulp!


I'll try and get a pic when I go up tonight. Was up last night after dark, I just cleared a break in the hedgerow and a broad was walking her mutt, it barked at me.

Dont know who shat the more, Her seeing the camo ghost, the dog or me!

I'm really having difficulty judging distance under the lamp, but the bunnies dont seem to mind it now.

I have the lamp on all the time rather than flashing it on and they dont worry about it.


Nice going by the way :clapper:



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