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Less Work More Play

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Working long hours!?! Been there done that!!! Never again!!! If you can "get by", think of yourself and enjoy what little time we do have on this planet.



true mate, a catcher1 what kind of work do you do.???



Did most things bird.But right now i,am a lion tamer at Glasgow zoo :laugh: atb. Catcher

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Well i decided 3 years ago to go self employed so i would have more time with dogs and family i live by the moto ,i work to live dont live to work :D


You managed to reduce the time you work by going self employed??Bloody hell well done!I used to enjoy my job! since i've gone self employed its becoming a chore! Catcher if I could work less hours and still pay the bills I would in a heartbeat, like you say...life's too short!atb with it :D

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Working long hours!?! Been there done that!!! Never again!!! If you can "get by", think of yourself and enjoy what little time we do have on this planet.



true mate, a catcher1 what kind of work do you do.???



Did most things bird.But right now i,am a lion tamer at Glasgow zoo :laugh: atb. Catcher


Jesus i would be looking to increase my hours not reduce them :laugh: , i take it you have tamed all the lionesses then :laugh: :laugh:


You like a challenge then :laugh: try elderly mentally ill , now that is a challenge :laugh:

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Well i decided 3 years ago to go self employed so i would have more time with dogs and family i live by the moto ,i work to live dont live to work :D


You managed to reduce the time you work by going self employed??Bloody hell well done!I used to enjoy my job! since i've gone self employed its becoming a chore! Catcher if I could work less hours and still pay the bills I would in a heartbeat, like you say...life's too short!atb with it :D



Hi mate dident go self employed,Asked for less hours and got a result :toast: Dident think i would have.But if you dont ask you dont get.I was lucky.atb.Catcher :thumbs:

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Working long hours!?! Been there done that!!! Never again!!! If you can "get by", think of yourself and enjoy what little time we do have on this planet.



true mate, a catcher1 what kind of work do you do.???



Did most things bird.But right now i,am a lion tamer at Glasgow zoo :laugh: atb. Catcher


Jesus i would be looking to increase my hours not reduce them :laugh: , i take it you have tamed all the lionesses then :laugh: :laugh:


You like a challenge then :laugh: try elderly mentally ill , now that is a challenge :laugh:



Yes Kay love it :laugh: This day and age just getting by is a challenge :gunsmilie: atb Catcher

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Hi.For the last four years been working 12 hour shifts five days a week.Been thinking about it for a few weeks.so last night i asked the boss to drop my hours.As all work and no play is making Catcher a dull boy.And he agreed :toast: .So now i will be doing a four day week then a three day week.Fair play will be losing a bit of cash.But F--K it life,s to short.Looking forward to it .Give me more time with the dogs,more fishing and a lot more shooting.Please dont give any hassle saying there,s a lot of people out of work. I know that and wish them all the best.? Do you think i did the right thing.atb. Catcher :thumbs:


You have made the right decision :yes: getting your SEX life back on track and let the lion out of you know Catcher Atb Keano :thumbs::D:clapper:



Sex life was never on track :D we know.As for the lion all us leos are the same.atb.Catcher

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Working long hours!?! Been there done that!!! Never again!!! If you can "get by", think of yourself and enjoy what little time we do have on this planet.



true mate, a catcher1 what kind of work do you do.???



Did most things bird.But right now i,am a lion tamer at Glasgow zoo :laugh: atb. Catcher


Jesus i would be looking to increase my hours not reduce them :laugh: , i take it you have tamed all the lionesses then :laugh: :laugh:


You like a challenge then :laugh: try elderly mentally ill , now that is a challenge :laugh:



Hi Kay Thats me :blink::cry: :sick: :cry: Catcher

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Its nice to see that an employee's request was taken seriously and you got what you asked for.


I sometimes wish i could disolve a few hours and days here and there but no chance.


I wish you all the best with your free time to enjoy with family and social your life.

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