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Another two foxes....cant' be bad!

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Got two foxes at the chicken farm last night. Tried doing things a bit different for a change, I smeared cat food onto one of the fence posts and left it for an hour then we drove back to have a shufty and see whether anything was about. We came along the track and stopped the car (the bait was about 100 yards away) but couldn’t see anything to start off with, certainly nothing by the bait but as I was scanning round I saw a fox heading off (probably heard the car), It was about 200 yards away when I decided what the heck it and took my shot and I heard the satisfying slap of the bullet slamming into it and tearing through its body.

I thought I would wait a minute and see if anything else was about and within a minute this other fox appeared and headed over to the one I had just shot. I took a shot at it but missed and it started doing a runner so I took another shot just as it tried to get into the rushes and disappear, I hit it and it jumped into the air but then ran on. Anyway when we went to have a look and see if it had collapsed in the rushes we came across a cub that we had shot the other week but couldn't find! The dogfox was a real heavy bugger ( I will need to get some portable scales) he weighed over 10 kilos easily and his teeth were not thin and pointy quite mature looking.


Saw two more when we were leaving the farm and another two in a field on another farm we shoot on the way home but they were out of range, so heres hoping tomorrow night will be another good night! ;)

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