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Leather Boots

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I've always just given them a good brush off until clean, polished if necessary and then (most importantly) a good rub with quality dubbin to treat and waterproof the leather. You don't need to do it too often, just make sure the leather is nice and dry before you start, and that you use a good boot brush to apply the gear before buffing to a shine with a soft cloth at the end. It ain't rocket science. :D

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I always just brush off all the dirt and muck when it's dry and then treat with chelsea leather food. I use this as it's guaranteed not to rot the stitching of your boots unlike other treatments including dubbin. My current pair of Irish setter elk trackers are now in there 4th season and still going strong even though there worn everyday to walk the dogs,ferreting,lamping and beating/picking up on the shoot.

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