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Pet insurance?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Pyg; F*** Insurance ;)


I'd say a whole lot more; Only it's early on Saturday morning and I don't want to 'Go into one'.


I gave my brother the same advice, years ago. He ignored it.


Now? I asked him if he intended to insure his newest pup. He asked me if I thought he were some sort of c***.


Ask him. He's been there and done it. He'll tell you - as one who now knows: F*** Insurance!


Oh, and as for mutilating your Dog (Bordatella vaccinations, 'Booster' Jabs, 'Drips') et al? Don't get me started! :whistle:

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I was looking at insurance as my lab broke a tooth on a bone and a over nightstay and removal of the roots £127.50 .Now shes ran into my springer and got a lump on her head and what looks like a black eye .But most polices say you pay the first £70 so id be no better off

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:11: No worries, lads! That was late on 'Friday Night' and I'd actually dropped and broken an entire, unopened bottle of Jack Danials! :cry:


I'm not on about the initial jabs against Distemper, Parvo etc. Hells teeth! It scares me to death, having those done and I don't consider a pup's truly on it's way to survival round here till it survives those two. But, naturally, they all have them. This little mite snoozing beside me too will get them. The initial two. But I don't subscribe to the now completely destroyed argument that we should keep on dragging our Dogs back there, year in, year out, for more completely unnecassary 'Boosters'. All they boost is the payment schedule on that Merc parked round the back - and that motor isn't yours or mine either.


Equelly, I despise the sneering manner in which they've now simply got their heads together and come up with Bordatella as the New way to scare ignorant owners into fetching their Dogs in to be jabbed with something else unnecassary and money spinning. Like worming tablets. Who in their right mind today buys Drontal from a vet?! Plenty, I'd wager. The same uninformed, gullable, trusting, Mr and Mrs Average who will now be living in fear that their pooches may ever get what ammounts to a Cold, if they don't toe the new line and pay out for those jabs.


Anyway, each to his own. You go your way and I'll go mine. But ye can rest assured I always see to it that my own Dogs get the very best of all and anything I can provide for them. I simply don't suffer White Coat Blindness along the way. That's all ;)

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  • 2 years later...
:11: No worries, lads! That was late on 'Friday Night' and I'd actually dropped and broken an entire, unopened bottle of Jack Danials! :cry:


I'm not on about the initial jabs against Distemper, Parvo etc. Hells teeth! It scares me to death, having those done and I don't consider a pup's truly on it's way to survival round here till it survives those two. But, naturally, they all have them. This little mite snoozing beside me too will get them. The initial two. But I don't subscribe to the now completely destroyed argument that we should keep on dragging our Dogs back there, year in, year out, for more completely unnecassary 'Boosters'. All they boost is the payment schedule on that Merc parked round the back - and that motor isn't yours or mine either.


Equelly, I despise the sneering manner in which they've now simply got their heads together and come up with Bordatella as the New way to scare ignorant owners into fetching their Dogs in to be jabbed with something else unnecassary and money spinning. Like worming tablets. Who in their right mind today buys Drontal from a vet?! Plenty, I'd wager. The same uninformed, gullable, trusting, Mr and Mrs Average who will now be living in fear that their pooches may ever get what ammounts to a Cold, if they don't toe the new line and pay out for those jabs.


Anyway, each to his own. You go your way and I'll go mine. But ye can rest assured I always see to it that my own Dogs get the very best of all and anything I can provide for them. I simply don't suffer White Coat Blindness along the way. That's all ;)



I would like to agree with you but sadly i cant my 2 year old bitch hit a cattle grid and sevearly snaped her front right leg ,, and its thanks to pet insurance i still have her !! if i had to pay i simply couldnt aford it !! she was treated at the royal veterinary college (suposed best of the best) by orthopedic specialists the bill was £3575 and i payd £70 thats treatment for and after injurie and let me tell you theres plenty of life in the dog yet she is 7 now and still holds her own with the best in the pack ,only thing is slight bow in leg but had her at many many shows and won ,came 2nd & 3rd nobody notices till i point it out!!!




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PETPLAN Kay, dont bother with anyone else............my old bitch is sitting out in her kennel now with £2800 worth of metal rod in her leg.........makes the premium seem cheap dont it ;)


Allways insure my dogs, that way I know that in the event of the worst the care they get will be the best!!!........

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PETPLAN Kay, dont bother with anyone else............my old bitch is sitting out in her kennel now with £2800 worth of metal rod in her leg.........makes the premium seem cheap dont it ;)


Allways insure my dogs, that way I know that in the event of the worst the care they get will be the best!!!........

same here, petplan all the way! had both legs done, would of had to cough up £5000 fee's/tablets, insurance costs me about £1 a day, there's no way on earth i could of paid it in one lump sum so my other choice would of been PTS.

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