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Hi every one

As the comp starts Monday thought I better go out and get some practice in!, :hunter: I was up at 5:00am to make some of my famous corndog and mustard sarnies & a flask of coffee.

Chaz picked me up @ 6:00am and we headed of to east hanney just passed wantage, where we have some horse paddocks to look after! i do prefer day shooting,as we all know this time of year is gunna be rare!


On our arrival we seen so many wood pigeons, and thought YES! :yahoo: this may be a productive day, once we had a quick look through the binos and got set up. I went over to the south side of the paddock & chaz went north, I was making my way under the hedge row to snipe! Some wood pigeons. As I got settled, I see some thing moving in the tree line not more than 25yds from me so kept my eyes peeled and there it was a gain a squizzer! Now I have only seen 2 squizzers on this permission but was to far away to get them last time.


So I was up for it this time, as I followed it through my scope, through the trees it came to a stop on a large tree trunk. So plenty of back stop here as the adjacent paddock is not our permission and wouldnt want any stray pellets going over on to the horses in there paddock. Now I havent shot many this year me tinks about 6 so im no zini :D , the adrenalin was pumping as I brought the cross hairs on THWACK! Down it came sweet as, then I see another 2 running through the trees as if they were playing. I stook to the same procedure as before THWACK! THWACK!! Jack n Jill down the hill they came tumbling down, then I could not believe my luck when another showed its face. Same as THWACK! All this happend10 minutes max of being on the permission, just could not believe my luck, shot six all year then 4 in 10 minutes lol

Here are some pics









After this termination I went over to a little spot where we seen some bunnys earlier, it wasnt long before one came out, I moved to get a better view and it spotted me and fecked of back in, for about an hour then 2 came bouncing out of the hedge, frolicking & dancing and I was following every dance through my scope! As soon as they settled THWACK! Thwuck! Miss!! As it did not move after my miss I had time to cock the HW100 in double time and as smooth as silk THWACK! Join your buddy in the death dance!

then i went back to the hedge and waited for the pigeons that didn't show :D lthen 2 bunny's came out from the ditch and in to the long grass,one stopped and the other went full length of the field,so up came the HW 100 THWACK! run over! not a twitch.

Not much more action for a while from any more squizzers, and any thing else and went back to the truck for a bite to eat and a cuppa.

When i got back to the truck chaz was smilling he had 2 pigeons,me tinks i should gt some tuition :D lol

Here are some pics










After a cuppa I got myself set up in a tractor tyre


and this is the tree i was waiting for it to fill with pigeons



and waited, waited, & waited, while I was in for a long wait I thought I would look in on THL and do a live report as I was bored! So while I was getting wet between the showerss, and posting on here, a single pigeon landed and by this time it was really windy up to 14mph as I had my anemometer with me HANDHELD ANEMOMETER WIND SPEED METER


So I took aim on the pigeon THWUCK! Miss so many branches & wind lol I had another 2 shots at the pigeons but to no avail, by this time chaz had to get home for his little un

Here are some pics of hanney hunt










After I was dropped of I was straight back in me CRV and of to Marston farm about five minutes away, just to have a look around I was having such a good day that I didnt want it to end. as I pulled up I seen 2 bunnys in the front field, so got sorted and headed in that direction as I came through the gate I seen where it was ranged it at 75yds so had some stalking to do I got within 50yds of it and I was busted!! And it fecked of.



Then I headed to the back of the property and there was 5 bunnies out grazing so took some video footage of them to show yous then ranged it 65yds again so had to make some ground up, now I know from past visits that this spot is 1 mildot under once I was in position, so as I watched them closely through the scope and as soon as the shot was on, as I had to wait for the wind to calm down as this was a 55yd shot I couldnt get any closer as I would have been in the open and busted. So splits second no wind!! THWACK!! No bunny no more, stone dead after an Olympic! Back flip lol





After this shot well you guest it, the rest scarpered so I picked up my 55yd bunny and put it in me game pouch and had a look around for droppings and well there must be a few bunnys here

have a look my boot is for scale lol





here is a few pics of the permission







of I went. As I was walking back round to the front garden where I spotted one before. There was another pigeon in the tree so up came the HW100K THWUCK! Another miss on the pigeons, I cant shoot pigeons for pigeon shit lol.


Any ways after that I missed another bunny @ 38yds so I started tinkin it was time to go home but one more look in the front field and some pics for you guys, there was one out

Another 55yd err just as I shouldered my HW100 it moved in to the hedge so on a mil dot n half THWACK!! Bingo another one bites the dust and 2 for the pot.





and group photo of afternoon session,bugsy still had grass in its mouth :D lol








It started to rain again and I wasnt getting wet three times today .I gutted them and was on my way home

And with a big smile on my face!! 10 hrs hunting the missed shots didnt bother me, and loosing the rubber button on me range finder didnt matter!! Totally enjoyed my days hunting and took a few pics and video too

To share with you all


Happy hunting



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Ace write up Davy as usual and good shooting buddy.


The permission looks tops mate.


You any where near Larkhill in Wiltshire?


Some of the land looks familuar :hmm:



Edited by zini
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  zini said:
Ace write up Davy as usual and good shooting buddy.


The permission looks tops mate.


You any where near Larkhill in Wiltshire?


Some of the land looks familuar :hmm:




TANKS! for the comments lads!


hi zini

im not far from larkhill,im in swindon buddy.




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Hi Davy.


What a brilliant read, and photos too.

That was some day you and Chaz had.

Your permission looks very nice, just screams rabbits!!.....smashing ground.


You made some kind coments about Zini and his crew of freinds and shooters.


Well Im making one for you mate, you are up there with the others, a great poster and hunter :good:

As you say, without such posters, a forum can go stale.


So big up's to you all.


Hope to add, and contribute myself, not had much chance of late,my darling wife has broken her shoulder, and I have a back problem :D:rolleyes: ......so reading all of your posts.......just makes me even sicker :D:D:D ( I JEST :D )



Well done chaps.






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Awsome Thwacking read Davy


And some Thwucking good pix as well




I've got a pile of sh!te like that at the cemy as well.

Today I went to Morrisons to buy the latest must have cotton tail assasins accessory :yes: I'll post a pic of it later ;)



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  stealthy1 said:
Well done Davy, that spot with the rabbit droppings looks a nice place to snipe at, bet quite a few pass over that spot every day :)


yeh looks inviting i may pop out for a hour later!!



  Sweeney-Todd said:
Hi Davy.


What a brilliant read, and photos too.

That was some day you and Chaz had.

Your permission looks very nice, just screams rabbits!!.....smashing ground.


You made some kind coments about Zini and his crew of freinds and shooters.


Well Im making one for you mate, you are up there with the others, a great poster and hunter :good:

As you say, without such posters, a forum can go stale.


So big up's to you all.


Hope to add, and contribute myself, not had much chance of late,my darling wife has broken her shoulder, and I have a back problem :D:rolleyes: ......so reading all of your posts.......just makes me even sicker :D:D:D ( I JEST :D )



Well done chaps.







TANKS!! bill

what were you and the misses up to :icon_redface: ,for both of you's to get those injuries :D:D



  andy s410c said:
Nice bit of shooting there Davy & Chaz :gunsmilie: Any news on your FAC Davy???


no nothing yet andy,i sent a letter last week to him,but gunna give it to the end of the month then ring him.if still no reply then gunna get in touch with B.A.S.C

tanks buddy



  Phantom said:
Awsome Thwacking read Davy


And some Thwucking good pix as well




I've got a pile of sh!te like that at the cemy as well.

Today I went to Morrisons to buy the latest must have cotton tail assasins accessory :yes: I'll post a pic of it later ;)




hi tony

C'MON tell us then!!




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